Sunday, December 31, 2006

So Long 2006 Hello 2007!

Bring on 2007! 2006 was an interesting year not the worst year of all time, but kind of a sucky year overall. I'm hoping for a much better 2007. The first half of 2006 wasn't to bad kinda boring just working and stuff here's a break down of the highlights (and Lowlights) of 2006 for me personally.

1. January-April Not a lot just working mostly
2. May- Laid off from RadioShack
3. May-October- Unemployed
4. August-September- Online Classes at NHCC
5. September- Babe Died
6. October- Started a New Job
7. November- Bud Died

Of couse a lot of other things happened good and bad those are just the major things that stick out and I'm happy to say good bye to them and I look forward to 2007 and hope for good things for myself and family and Friends. so bring on 2007.

Happy New Year 2007

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Long time no post

Wow it's been awhile since I posted almost a month geesh!. Now it's Christmas time and I can't believe that Christmas is this weekend I'll be flying out to Ohio for the Weekend to visit Grandpa it should be a nice trip nice to see Grandpa anyway otherwise it may be kind of an odd Christmas because everyone will be in hotels so whatever though. I finished my Christmas shopping so I am happy about that the only thing I need to do is get the presents to everyone it's hard to get together with people sometimes this time of year so some people may end up getting thier gifts after Christmas. oh well though better late then never right!? I finally finished my classes Monday night actually I didn't do so hot in 2 of them that's because I didn't dedicate enough time to them it's tough working fulltime and taking online classes fulltime it's a lot of work I'll tell ya! I'm just glad I'm done I'm not taking anymore classes in the spring because I'm not sure what I'll want to go for should I decide to go again. Work is going good taking calls in a call center is different, but it's ok it'll do! getting up at 5AM to be to work ontime is a challenge though it's taking some getting used to I'm hoping eventually it won't be that big of a deal. Well not a lot else is going on Just working and getting ready for Christmas and going to Ohio.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Check out my new Links

check out my new links on this page they go to my 2 cafepress sites go there and buy lots of stuff and tell your friends ;)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Cool Blog entry I found Here is a cool blog entry I found about being rich I guess you could say. check it out.

Can't believe it's the holiday season

I can't believe Thanksgiving is this Thursday it seems like Summer was just here and I was unemployed and had 3 cats. lnow it's the holiday season I am once again employed and I only have 1 cat. umm ok enough debby downer. My new job is going pretty good this is my last week of training and then I go out on the floor and take phone calls starting next monday. unfortunately I have to work the day after Thanksgiving which sucks, but hey atleast I have a job now so I shouldn't complain. I am so ready to be done with my training 5 weeks sitting in a classroom for 8 hours a day learning about Mortgages (not as thrilling as it sounds) it's a lot of info and long days. I have taken calls already and they've all gone pretty good so far so work is good. and I got a new laptop which I am typing on now yay!! :) not a lot else is going on I have a few more weeks of classes and I'll be done with that other than all this not a lot else is going on. I'll be heading out to Ohio for Christmas for a short visit. so yeah not a lot else is new. but thought I'd post an update.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

RIP Sweet Bud March 5th 1993-November 7th 2006

Sweet Buddy Left us tonight he had apparently a tumor in his nasal cavatie and he stopped eating sometime last week. he put a galant effort to fight this off, but in the end his poor little body shrunk down to nearly 4 pounds from a normally robust 12lbs so he was put to sleep tonight around 5:30PM he will be really missed by me, the rest of my family and especially Elvis! his BFF. Rest in Peace Sweet Bud. I will never forget you I'll love you forever.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Everyone!!!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I wrote a really long post about my new job and what I've been up to lately and it didn't post for some reason or save and now I have to go to bed so I'm not gonna retype it now I'll post more later. ugh stupid internet sometimes arrrr.....

Monday, October 09, 2006


Well 5 months and tons of interviews later I finally have a new job. granted it's not my dream job, but it's a job!! it pays more than my last job and I think it has better benefits. I'm going to be working as basically a phone banker a mortgage phone banker to be exact. The job starts in 2 weeks so that means I should probably do all the things I've been procrastinating to do that I wanted to do while I was unemployed like scan photos and clean out under my bed etc.. etc.. probably won't get to everything, but oh well I'm also gonna try and get ahead with my school work so I won't have to worry about that for awhile. Well anyway that's what's new with me besides this big news not a lot else is going on I'm really excited to finally have a job and I'll have atleast a half way decent paycheck coming in and now I'm gonna really work on getting out of debt. yay things are looking up.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Chloe

Happy Birthday Chloe she is 5 Years Old Today!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Ok what's the deal I've been on about a million Interviews in the last Month and Nothing I don't quite understand what I'm doing wrong. you'd think out of all these places I'm inteviewing I would get atleast one "decent" job offer, but no I went on an interview yesterday with a bank for a call center job and it was the stupidest inteview I've ever been on they had me do a sales pitch for a pen I guess to see how well I sell things didn't really think it was a sales job, but I guess it was I wasn't expecting to have to do a sales pitch so I was a little thrown off by that and didn't do very well so that interview was a bust. beside the snooty lady I interviewed with said she would let me know today (thursday) and I heard nothing so whatever. the other company that was doing a background check on me I haven't heard anything from them since Monday and I'm starting to think I'm not gonna. It's so frustrating I need a frickin job I never in a million years would have thought I'd be unemployed this long. well I may have to go get some crappy retail job again if I don't hear something soon. I guess that's all I'm qualified for or something (AHHHH!) The other company that said they would call me for a second interview I never heard from them either. maybe I need to go to an interview training class or something it's funny in the past I've been lucky (er unlucky whichever way you look at it) Before this I think there were only 3 interviews that I had been on since I was 16 years old that I didn't get the job all the other ones I did. Argh!!!!! I hope there are some good jobs in the paper this weekend. I'll keep ya posted.

Friday, September 22, 2006


so I've been going on a bunch of interviews lately and I don't know what to think of any of them. I hate interviews especially the stupid questions! What are your Weaknesses? Well my Weaknesses are that I don't like to work and I have to to have money. err maybe that's not a good answer could be the reason I don't have a job yet ;) only kidding of course. I've interviewed with I think 4 different companies I went on 2 interviews for the first company in the same day and actually could have had that job except for the fact that it was a parttime cart pusher at a wholesale store (not the job I applied for) so that was a bust. I had one interview with the second company and got a rejection e-mail today that was at a telecommunication company guess I didn't make a very good impression. Then with the 3rd company I've had 3 interviews on 2 different days and they are doing a background check on me now so I guess that's a good sign. I Interviewed with the 4th company yesterday and I think it went ok the lady said they would call me next week to set up a second interview. and I have a phone interview on Monday. so hopefully with all this interviewing I will hear something before my unemployment runs out yikes!. besides all this I'm still going to school and last week I did crappy cause I wasn't into it I think cause of Babe you know having that happen to Babe and happen so suddenly kinda makes you realize just how fragile life is one day you can be here and the next day gone true for people and animals. so you gotta learn how to appreciate life and the people and animals in your life. granted I'm not an expert on this ,but I'm learning. So yeah this is what's going on with me I'm looking forward to the weekend and taking a break from all these silly interviews ugh.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Babe April 1999- September 12th 2006

Last night I noticed Babe was breathing really heavy and she wasn't eating. This morning she was even worse she could barely move so I took her over to the vet and they did an X-Ray to see what was wrong and what they found was an enlarged Kidney and fluid in her lungs and on her abdomen. The vet said the kindess thing to do for her was to put her to sleep. so with a very heavy heart I agreed to have it done. Babe wasn't always the sweetest cat, but I know she loved me and I loved her. she will be sadly missed. Rest in Peace Sweet Babe. I'll never forget you!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Interviews Finally

Well I finally had some interviews this week 2 of them. they both went pretty good I think. The first one wasn't what I thought it was so I don't actually want that job it's part time and I applied for full time and the position it's self was not what I applied for I thought I was applying for administrative work and it turned out to be unloading trucks and basically a cart pusher ummm.. no don't think I want that job the other one was for a normal job and actually sounds like a good opportunity I hope I get it!!! well other than this I don't really have a lot going schools going pretty good. I went to the Rennaisance festival today and it was OK not really worth the trip this year I've been there in the past and thought it was fun. this year I didn't even see any fun things I wanted to buy in the past I'd atleast seen that, but not this year plus it was kinda cold today so I suppose that didn't help. oh well though it was something to do I guess.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Well I started School back on the 21st I have 3 Online classes and they are a lot of work I'm kinda glad I don't have a job this first week just so I can get a hang of these classes, but they're good they're kinda fun and interesting I have one more class that starts in October. so wish me luck with those. on the Job front I hopefully have 2 good prospects I don't really want to talk about them til I hear more, but cross your fingers for me :) and if they don't pan out which I hope they will, but if they dont' something good is going to come along very soon I have a feeling. I don't think I'm gonna be unemployed much longer. In other news not a lot going on I went to the State Fair last Saturday it was a lot of fun as it always is and I went to the Mall of America right after with my friends Trisha and Jenny and that was fun to I actually went on rides at the amusement park at MOA I only did it because I had free tickets I went on the Ferris Wheel and The something Twister. it's a roller coaster that spins you around the whole time. yeah not gonna go on that one again I was so dizzy after that. personally that's not a fun feeling for me :) So that's what's going on with me I may go to the fair again this coming Saturday cause it's so fun and it only comes around once a year! nothing more to report.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

American Idol is cool dammit

Can you see that? umm not really, but that's my picture from last night I went to the American Idol concert with my Mom (I'll admit I'm a nerd I like AI and I go to the concerts) it was a good show the first half was the lesser idols, but none of them were that bad the only one that was annoying was ACE the Douche bag sorry he's just not my cup o tea. The second half was really fun because Chris, Elliot and Taylor sang oh and Katherine McPhee who only sang 2 songs. Chris rocked the house everyone was screaming he may have been the most popular one there and Elliot was good as usual and Taylor came from down an Aisle on the side that Aisle was the one Mom and I were sitting in and we were in seats one and two so he walked right past us singing if I had known he was gonna do that I would've got my camera phone out sooner and snapped a photo well I did snap a photo, but it's the blurry one I posted here as he was walking on to the main level. I guess if people had known then it wouldn't have been a surprise ;) that's the closest I think I've ever been to even a quasi celebrity pretty cool maybe that Albino squirrel from the other day is lucky :) ok I'm starting to sound like a big nerd now so I'm gonna stop talking about AI. in other news I started School on Monday I have 3 online Classes so it's a little different all I did to start school was log onto the school website :) pretty cool hope I do well. No new job yet, but I've been applying to a lot more jobs lately so pretty soon I hope. wish me luck.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lucky The Albino Squirrel

This is my new pet! well sort of I think this is an Albino Squirrel although it kind of looks like a mouse to, but based on the tail and the way it's back legs which you can't see in this picture I'm guessing squirrel I don't think I've seen a squirrel period since I moved to Maple Grove until this one definately something you don't see every day. it was kind of wierd I noticed it outside the front door while I was walking down the stairs at first I thought it was Lola because I just saw the white real quick and I was like what's she doing outside then of course I saw Lola behind me on the stairs :) and I went to see what it was and I noticed the bushy tail so I ran back upstairs and grabbed my camera and went ouside hoping to get a picture funny thing was the squirrel wasn't very smart because it just ran behind th air condition vent and sat there in plain view I think it thought I couldn't see it, but I took a bunch of pictures of it. this happened a few days ago and I haven't seen the squirrel since I'm hoping he found a nice safe place to live and not the alternative ..ah..hem.. there are a lot of Hawks around here, but we'll pretend that that is not a possibility. anyway I think I'll call him(or her) Lucky. Lucky the Albino Squirrel.

(I figured out how to post more pictures I just need to make them smaller yay!)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back on Solid Ground

I'm Back! and I'm so glad to be mainly because flying isn't my favorite thing anyway and then to be at threat level Orange the whole time. yikes, but it actually wasn't to bad we didn't carry any liquids and took off our shoes so we (my Mom and I) got through security fairly quickly both ways. the trip it's self was both fun and not fun mostly fun though. we came in Friday night and went to our Hotel where we went and saw my Uncle Bill and Cousin Naja and Aunt Barb. My sister and Jason picked us up in thier rental car and we all went to see the relatives at the hotel. Naja was a bundle of energy climbing all over everyone that night (she's not shy) she's 3. on Saturday we went to Waffle House for breakfast and then over to see Grandpa for a bit and then off to the Ohio State Food Court errr.. State Fair which by the way is not a cool as the Minnesota State Fair ;) not a lot to it. it's a lot smaller than Minnesota's and there were just a lot of food and different food than we have here nothing looked that appealing though. (side note about Blogger I didn't realize this, but you can only post a certain amount of pictures on here I didn't realize this turns out I've already reached my limit :( so I'm gonna have to see what I can do about this) After the fair we went to a place called Uno's for dinner I had Shrimp Scampi that "was not good" no flavor it tasted like I was eating just butter and noodles yuck! Sunday we mostly just hung out at Grandpa's and the hotel we also took some family photos. Monday we took Ruth and Jason to the Airport and then hung out at Grandpa's again for a little bit and then My Mom, Uncle Bill, Cousin Naja, Aunt Barb and I went to the Columbus Zoo. it was pretty cool because my Uncle Bill used to work in Zoo's so he knows a lot of people in the industry so one of his friends there at the Columbus zoo let us go into the Koala exhibit (inside the cage) and see the Koalas and snap photos it was pretty cool not something the average person gets to do everyday. after that we went over to see the Lorikeets they had an exhibit where you could go into the enclosure with the birds and feed them a kind of sugar water thing. After that we just looked around the zoo and tried to avoid the rain that kept coming and going all day long, but inspite of the rain it was a cool trip to the zoo I hadn't been to the zoo in years so it was fun. After the Zoo we went back to Grandpa's for dinner, but everyone was a little bit on the crabby side (sorry) ,but we all got some food and Panera and everyone calmed down a bit. After hanging out at Grandpa's a bit more we went back to the hotel and packed for our trip home and said good bye to Barb, Bill and Naja. We got up at the ButtCrack of Dawn to get ready and leave for the Airport as I said the security wasn't bad there was kind of a line, but it didn't take to long to get through it though. Now I'm home and I am so happy to be on solid ground! I don't think I'll be flying for a while now until things calm down a bit with the Airports and all. Now that I'm home it's time to get back on the job search wish me luck!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Off to Ohio

Off to Ohio for a long weekend starting tommorow. I'm excited to see everyone kind of a mini family reunion mini since everyone won't be there, but a lot will. other than this not a heck of a lot going on with me I'm still plugging away at the job search and I'm working on a potential side business a little bit. My friend Jenny came over yesterday with her cute baby so that was fun . other than this not a lot going on. I'll be sure to post more when I get back from my trip.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

In answer to your Question

No I do not have a job yet, but yes I am looking, No I don't have any leads yet on any potential jobs, but i'm working on it. does this answer everyones questions about my job search when I get a job I will be sure to post about it on here. (no one on here asked me about this), but plenty of people in my everyday life have asked me about it so I thought I would post to clarify.

Don't buy from China!!!

Don't buy stuff from China they have very cruel and inhumane answers to health scare issues an outbreak of Rabies led to the government brutally killing 50,000 dogs they went around making noise to wake dogs in peoples house and make them bark and then they killed them here is a link to the article click here one of the most horrible things I've ever heard!!!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Ruth

Happy Golden Birthday Ruth!!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Mobile Home

This is the view out my front door last night around 12:30AM they were moving a house down the road. it was something you dont' see every day so I snapped some photos and I filmed some of it with my video camera.

I saw them propping it up all day I figured that they'd be moving it late at night or the next day and I just happened to look out at 12:30AM and all the trucks were back and the house had an oversized load sign on it.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Not much is new

Well not really much new going on with me lately that's why I haven't updated. I'm still Job hunting I got a few rejection letters this week those are always exciting! um.. yeah School starts mid-August so not a lot going on that way. I'll be buying books soon for school so that's exciting. Not a lot new as I said. WeI have been scanning a lot of pictures lately because we just got a scanner for the first time. here's a picture of little Ooofie when she was little (AKA my sister)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Happy Birthday Lola

It's Lola's Birthday today she is 3! Happy Birthday Lola ;)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Crazy Weekend

Well this was kind of a crazy weekend Friday night Mom and I drove out to the Casino, but didn't stay long enough to loose much money it was a spur of the moment kinda thing to go out there the slots were so tight though so we left after only about an hour. Then on Saturday I went to see a movie and out to eat with my Friend Trisha in honor of my birthday she was the only one available to hang out that day. then on Sunday was the big day Yikes I'm 25! now I feel so old! I had the usual family party and My Grandparents and Matt and Paula came over along with Donna and I got Money from everyone which is good cause I can always use more of that ;). Monday morning I went and took Assesment tests at the Community college and got that done with and then today I went online and did the online Orientation since I've been to Technical school before I didn't feel the need to sit through a 2 hour Orientation at the school. and now I've registered for 4 classes starting August 21st luckily they are all Online classes except one so lucky me I'll have no problem working while I'm in school schedule wise anyway. so yeah it feels good to be registered and now I have someting to look forward to besides more unemployment which will hopefully be remedied soon to. well anyway that's what's new with me not a lot going on this week except Friday I'm going to the twins game so that should be fun. Not a lot else to say. Thanks Ruth for the shout out on your blog for my birthday!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Monday, July 03, 2006

Hill House

Went to the James J Hill House in St. Paul on Saturday with my parents it was my idea I just thought it would be fun I think they had fun.

it's a huge Mansion and it was worth almost $1 Million when it was built in 1891 I can only imagine what it'd be worth today.

This picture is only the middle of the house I had to take 3 seperate photos to get the whole house in.

There is a lot more to explore around here and I'm gonna do it including a walking tour of Summit Ave. sometimes it's fun to be a tourist where you live. cause if you never look at things from the tourist perspective think of all the stuff you miss out on seeing.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Back From San Fransisco

I'm Back! I had fun thanks Ruth. but it's still good to be home. it's official I'm starting school in the fall. I got my acceptance letter from the community college (I don't think anyone gets a rejection from community college) so starting in August I'll be back at school. yay I still need to find a job though yuck! hopefully I'll find something good soon.

some pictures from my trip

My sisters cat Tivo. my little buddy while I was there.

Sealions at Pier 39

The Foggy Golden gate Bridge

The Fog Rolling in over the Hills near the Golden Gate Bridge

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane

This is me tommorow California here I come

Friday, June 16, 2006

Mini Vacation

Yesterday I went on a Mini Vacation well sort of I went on a Boat ride on the Mississippi off of Harriet Island.

And then I went to the Wabasha Caves which are rumored to be Haunted I took lots of photos hoping to get a ghost photo, but no success.

This doesn't look like a gave, but it is it was a bootlegger place during prohibition.

a lot of the pictures from inside the caves are blurry and some are not so maybe that's evidence of a ghostly presence ;) who knows.

You know you never know what cool things are around your city until you look there is more to around here than just the movies and the mall and I intend to explore as many as possible.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Picture of some Geese

I snapped this photo the other day of this very rare species of birds called Canadian Geese? Especially in Minnesota I was lucky to get this shot they are so elusive, but hey they're cute look at all the babies! :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


So I get up this morning at about 6:15AM I take a shower and get all ready to go to an unemployment class called Creative Job Search! Well the Creative part is Do it yourself. Be creative and think of a way to do a job search. I left the house to go to the class at about 7:55AM and I got to the place at 8:15AM I was a little Early since the class started at 8:30AM so I waited in my car for a little bit and listened to the radio. I go into the building at 8:20AM and go to the front desk and told them why I was there and the guy gets a look on his face like "Oh" "That Class was cancelled, we tried to call everyone sorry we missed you" I was polite and said oh ok. And he said all the materials are on the website. So great I could have just found the stuff on my own anyway. I was mad that I hadn't got a call since he said they "Tried" to call everyone. I went home and of course there was a message on the answering machine at 7:57AM "this is so and so from unemployment you're signed up for The Creative Job Search Class. That class has been Cancelled for today!" Great they called me a half an hour before the class Geesh! And I met a friend at Perkins last night to discuss a project we are working on and I didn't get home until midnight and didn't get to bed until close to 1:00AM ARGH! I could have slept in. ARGH! The only reason I signed up for the class was because at my Unemployment orientation the guy said it was such a fantastic class with really good information. Of course they only offer it twice a month so the next one is in 2 weeks I won't be going to it I'll just get the info off the net. Argh! Maybe the person that was going to lead the class is superstitious and didn't want to leave her house since today is 6-6-06 yikes! Oh well back to the job hunt from home I guess.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Cute Baby

here's a picture of my Friends cute baby.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Back From Ohio

Happy Birthday Elvis 14 today. He's getting to be an old kitty

Just got back from Ohio Last night I'm so glad to be home it was nice seeing everyone, but it's nice to be home to much driving and running around. I didn't take to many pictures, but I did get one that my Cousin Emily says is a ghost I'm not so sure you decide.

We took like 5 pictures of the fireplace and they all have a wierd shape in the third pane it doesn't look like that to the naked eye, but you know it could be just that the glass is different in that third pane. the reason we took the pictures was because Emily and I were sitting alone in Grandma and Grandpa's house late at night on Saturday and we were talking about how wierd it was being there when no one else was there and that it was so quiet. We were like I'm glad we haven't heard any wierd noises or anything. and at that exact Moment we heard like a sudden tapping or something coming from the corner by the fireplace kinda freaked us out. so I got out my Camera and took a picture of the corner and something looked wierd about the fireplace everything was in focus except the fireplace so Emily took pictures of the fireplace and this is what came out. so I don't know I'm not completely convinced on this one, but could be.
Besides ghosts and car rides we went through the house and took things of senitmental value and packed them into the car. and now I'm home I fell asleep the minute I hit the pillow last night I intended to watch Leno for a few minutes, but the next thing I knew It was 7:00AM and the TV was on and I was still wearing my glasses. so I was tired. well this is all that's new with me back to Job Hunting today. Yippee.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

This is what went on when I was at work

These are pictures I took from my bedroom on 2 different days this week. So this is what goes on when I'm at work!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Vicious Dogs

Today Chloe Turned on Lola and they had a horrible fight!!!!! J/K they were just playing they are so funny.

Not much is going on with me right now I'm still job hunting fun fun. I'm glad American Idol is on Tonight we get to see who the 2 finalists are. I thought for sure it would have been Chris atleast in the top 2, but no he got voted off. Now I hope the final two are Taylor and Elliot with Taylor winning the whole thing. I guess we'll see tonight who goes home.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Pretty Tree

Bored and Bored! Soaps are really lame I used to like watching them, but now they're just lame!! The job search continues I've applied to a handful, but nothing looks that exciting I have to look at the sunday paper still maybe there will be something interesting in there.

This photo is one I took outside my grandpa's Retirement center. Pictures always make these blogs more interesting.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Random Picture for the Day. This is Lola Ain't she cute! :)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Job Seeking Sucks

Well my first full week of Unemployment is almost done and it's gone by fast. Monday I went to the mall (didn't spend any money though) with my friend and her 2 week old baby and then Tuesday I met up with another friend and we went for a walk with my dogs since it was her day off and on Wednesday I met up with a "former" coworker for Lunch. it's amazing you loose your job and suddenly friends come around that's a good thing oh and last friday I went to see a movie with my friend Trisha. so since I've been running around so much I haven't done a ton of job hunting i've updated my resume on a few sites and put in my resume at like 2 places and with 2 temp agencies I haven't heard anything from any of them yet (if it weren't for the money thing I wouldn't be in a rush to get back to work). Next week I'm gonna have to get serious about my job hunt and I'm not looking forward to it. I've looked at jobs every day and am not finding anything that jumps out at me. I guess beggers can't be chooser. so hopefully I can find a halfway decent job before to long here. wish me luck!

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Well Today was an interesting day at Work I worked my Ass off to get stuff done for my boss that he kept giving me to do all week. come to find out at 5:00PM that I'm being let go because our Region went under restructuring and I guess I was the easy one to loose or something. God Dammit Frickin Ass Hole! my boss is such an Ass. he knew all week ,but he waits until 5 on Friday to tell me what a jerk!!!! I wouldn't have done all that work for him if I had known. Argh!!! I don't really feel like talking about it to much right now ,but I just wanted to put a little post up about it. so starting Monday the job search is on Big Time. To look on the bright side atleast now I'll be able to catch up on my soaps (she sobs quietly) j/k, but seriously I'm pissed, but yeah anyway that's that and I guess that's life. Man Some Times Life just stinks!!!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Random Picture

Just a Random Picture this is actually another one from behind my Grandpa's Retirement center. this is the stream that goes under the bridge. Can you spot the Tad Pole? look closely it's there I didn't see it until I looked at the picture on my computer.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Back on solid ground

This is a view from behind my Grandpa's Retirement Center it's a really beautiful place. It was really nice to see Grandpa, but I am so glad to be home and on Solid ground noAirPlane trips in the near future for me ;) those were horrible. It's good to be home and TGIF. Work was stressful because I had to play Catch up and now I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend of sleeping in late!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Trivia you need to know

Random Trivia from an e-mail I got!

Subject: Trivia U need to Know

"Stewardesses" is the longest word typed with only the left hand and "lollipop" with your right.
It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable.
(I'll bet you're going to check this out.)
No word in the English language rhymes with month, orange, silver, or purple.
"Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt".
Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.
The sentence: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter of the alphabet.
(Now, you KNOW you're going to try this out for accuracy, right?)
The words 'racecar,' 'kayak' and 'level' are the same whether they are read left to right or right to left (Palindromes).
There are only four words in the English language which end in "dous": tremendous, horrendous, stupendous, and hazardous.
(You're not doubting this, are you?)
There are two words in the English language that have all five vowels in order: "abstemious" and "facetious."
(Yes, admit it, you are going to say ..... a e i o u)
TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.
(All you typists are going to test this out)
All 50 states are listed across the top of the Lincoln Memorial on the back of the $5 bill
A dime has 118 ridges around the edge.
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.
(but who really cares?)
A dragonfly has a life span of 24 hours.
A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds.
A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
A snail can sleep for three years.
Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
Almonds are a member of the peach family.
An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
Babies are born without kneecaps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age.
Butterflies taste with their feet.
Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds. Dogs only have about 10.
February 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.
In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
If the population of China walked past you,
8 abreast, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
If you are an average American, in your whole life, you will spend an average of 6 months waiting at red lights.
Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament building is an American flag.
Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite!
Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
The cruise liner, QE2, moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel that it burns.
The microwave was invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket. (Good thing he did that)
The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid.
There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.
There are more chickens than people in the world.
There's no Betty Rubble in the Flintstones Chewables Vitamins.
Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
Winston Churchill was born in a ladies room during a dance.
Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
Your stomach has to produce a new layer of mucus every two weeks; otherwise it will digest itself
...Now you know everything!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Straight outta Ohio!

I'm writing this from the hotel's Business center in Ohio (I hope I'm not being charged for this!!) oh well. The flight in was HORRIBLE!!!! we went through some severe weather and there was so much turbulence that I almosted barfed. I had one hand on the bag and just waiting to get safely on the ground talking my self out of getting sick. "You're not going to get sick" You're not going to get sick" I told my self it worked, but man I don't think I want to go on the plane on Tuesday to come back home ;) I usually don't get air sick, but that was aweful. well anyway incase this is costing money I better wrap this up. Happy Easter Everyone hope you enjoyed my AirSick story ;)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Now that's a Big Bunny!!!

Now that is one big Bunny!!! I found this image on Yahoo today

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Google Search

Hey Everyone Try the Google Search Below and Click on lots of adds!! :)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Spring has Sprung

yay! Spring has Sprung it was so nice today I went and ate Lunch outside with one of my coworkers and took the dogs for a nice long walk when I got home. what a nice day!!! This time of year almost makes the winter worth it. a nice cool breeze and temperatures at almost 80! woo hoo how nice. I love it I love it.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Here's my Blog I started one now Ruth will be happy not much to say right now I'll add more later.