Friday, September 22, 2006


so I've been going on a bunch of interviews lately and I don't know what to think of any of them. I hate interviews especially the stupid questions! What are your Weaknesses? Well my Weaknesses are that I don't like to work and I have to to have money. err maybe that's not a good answer could be the reason I don't have a job yet ;) only kidding of course. I've interviewed with I think 4 different companies I went on 2 interviews for the first company in the same day and actually could have had that job except for the fact that it was a parttime cart pusher at a wholesale store (not the job I applied for) so that was a bust. I had one interview with the second company and got a rejection e-mail today that was at a telecommunication company guess I didn't make a very good impression. Then with the 3rd company I've had 3 interviews on 2 different days and they are doing a background check on me now so I guess that's a good sign. I Interviewed with the 4th company yesterday and I think it went ok the lady said they would call me next week to set up a second interview. and I have a phone interview on Monday. so hopefully with all this interviewing I will hear something before my unemployment runs out yikes!. besides all this I'm still going to school and last week I did crappy cause I wasn't into it I think cause of Babe you know having that happen to Babe and happen so suddenly kinda makes you realize just how fragile life is one day you can be here and the next day gone true for people and animals. so you gotta learn how to appreciate life and the people and animals in your life. granted I'm not an expert on this ,but I'm learning. So yeah this is what's going on with me I'm looking forward to the weekend and taking a break from all these silly interviews ugh.

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