Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Long time no post

Wow it's been awhile since I posted almost a month geesh!. Now it's Christmas time and I can't believe that Christmas is this weekend I'll be flying out to Ohio for the Weekend to visit Grandpa it should be a nice trip nice to see Grandpa anyway otherwise it may be kind of an odd Christmas because everyone will be in hotels so whatever though. I finished my Christmas shopping so I am happy about that the only thing I need to do is get the presents to everyone it's hard to get together with people sometimes this time of year so some people may end up getting thier gifts after Christmas. oh well though better late then never right!? I finally finished my classes Monday night actually I didn't do so hot in 2 of them that's because I didn't dedicate enough time to them it's tough working fulltime and taking online classes fulltime it's a lot of work I'll tell ya! I'm just glad I'm done I'm not taking anymore classes in the spring because I'm not sure what I'll want to go for should I decide to go again. Work is going good taking calls in a call center is different, but it's ok it'll do! getting up at 5AM to be to work ontime is a challenge though it's taking some getting used to I'm hoping eventually it won't be that big of a deal. Well not a lot else is going on Just working and getting ready for Christmas and going to Ohio.

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