Saturday, May 06, 2006


Well Today was an interesting day at Work I worked my Ass off to get stuff done for my boss that he kept giving me to do all week. come to find out at 5:00PM that I'm being let go because our Region went under restructuring and I guess I was the easy one to loose or something. God Dammit Frickin Ass Hole! my boss is such an Ass. he knew all week ,but he waits until 5 on Friday to tell me what a jerk!!!! I wouldn't have done all that work for him if I had known. Argh!!! I don't really feel like talking about it to much right now ,but I just wanted to put a little post up about it. so starting Monday the job search is on Big Time. To look on the bright side atleast now I'll be able to catch up on my soaps (she sobs quietly) j/k, but seriously I'm pissed, but yeah anyway that's that and I guess that's life. Man Some Times Life just stinks!!!

1 comment:

NorCalMrs said...

That stinks. I'm sorry that happened to you. Dont let it get you's all office politics and corporations suck. You will find something better, they didnt treat you all that well anyway. I'll keep my eye out for something too.

Keep your chin up and dont worry! Enjoy a day or two off before you start stressing about it.