Wednesday, August 23, 2006

American Idol is cool dammit

Can you see that? umm not really, but that's my picture from last night I went to the American Idol concert with my Mom (I'll admit I'm a nerd I like AI and I go to the concerts) it was a good show the first half was the lesser idols, but none of them were that bad the only one that was annoying was ACE the Douche bag sorry he's just not my cup o tea. The second half was really fun because Chris, Elliot and Taylor sang oh and Katherine McPhee who only sang 2 songs. Chris rocked the house everyone was screaming he may have been the most popular one there and Elliot was good as usual and Taylor came from down an Aisle on the side that Aisle was the one Mom and I were sitting in and we were in seats one and two so he walked right past us singing if I had known he was gonna do that I would've got my camera phone out sooner and snapped a photo well I did snap a photo, but it's the blurry one I posted here as he was walking on to the main level. I guess if people had known then it wouldn't have been a surprise ;) that's the closest I think I've ever been to even a quasi celebrity pretty cool maybe that Albino squirrel from the other day is lucky :) ok I'm starting to sound like a big nerd now so I'm gonna stop talking about AI. in other news I started School on Monday I have 3 online Classes so it's a little different all I did to start school was log onto the school website :) pretty cool hope I do well. No new job yet, but I've been applying to a lot more jobs lately so pretty soon I hope. wish me luck.

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