Thursday, September 28, 2006


Ok what's the deal I've been on about a million Interviews in the last Month and Nothing I don't quite understand what I'm doing wrong. you'd think out of all these places I'm inteviewing I would get atleast one "decent" job offer, but no I went on an interview yesterday with a bank for a call center job and it was the stupidest inteview I've ever been on they had me do a sales pitch for a pen I guess to see how well I sell things didn't really think it was a sales job, but I guess it was I wasn't expecting to have to do a sales pitch so I was a little thrown off by that and didn't do very well so that interview was a bust. beside the snooty lady I interviewed with said she would let me know today (thursday) and I heard nothing so whatever. the other company that was doing a background check on me I haven't heard anything from them since Monday and I'm starting to think I'm not gonna. It's so frustrating I need a frickin job I never in a million years would have thought I'd be unemployed this long. well I may have to go get some crappy retail job again if I don't hear something soon. I guess that's all I'm qualified for or something (AHHHH!) The other company that said they would call me for a second interview I never heard from them either. maybe I need to go to an interview training class or something it's funny in the past I've been lucky (er unlucky whichever way you look at it) Before this I think there were only 3 interviews that I had been on since I was 16 years old that I didn't get the job all the other ones I did. Argh!!!!! I hope there are some good jobs in the paper this weekend. I'll keep ya posted.

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