Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lucky The Albino Squirrel

This is my new pet! well sort of I think this is an Albino Squirrel although it kind of looks like a mouse to, but based on the tail and the way it's back legs which you can't see in this picture I'm guessing squirrel I don't think I've seen a squirrel period since I moved to Maple Grove until this one definately something you don't see every day. it was kind of wierd I noticed it outside the front door while I was walking down the stairs at first I thought it was Lola because I just saw the white real quick and I was like what's she doing outside then of course I saw Lola behind me on the stairs :) and I went to see what it was and I noticed the bushy tail so I ran back upstairs and grabbed my camera and went ouside hoping to get a picture funny thing was the squirrel wasn't very smart because it just ran behind th air condition vent and sat there in plain view I think it thought I couldn't see it, but I took a bunch of pictures of it. this happened a few days ago and I haven't seen the squirrel since I'm hoping he found a nice safe place to live and not the alternative ..ah..hem.. there are a lot of Hawks around here, but we'll pretend that that is not a possibility. anyway I think I'll call him(or her) Lucky. Lucky the Albino Squirrel.

(I figured out how to post more pictures I just need to make them smaller yay!)

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