Monday, November 20, 2006

Can't believe it's the holiday season

I can't believe Thanksgiving is this Thursday it seems like Summer was just here and I was unemployed and had 3 cats. lnow it's the holiday season I am once again employed and I only have 1 cat. umm ok enough debby downer. My new job is going pretty good this is my last week of training and then I go out on the floor and take phone calls starting next monday. unfortunately I have to work the day after Thanksgiving which sucks, but hey atleast I have a job now so I shouldn't complain. I am so ready to be done with my training 5 weeks sitting in a classroom for 8 hours a day learning about Mortgages (not as thrilling as it sounds) it's a lot of info and long days. I have taken calls already and they've all gone pretty good so far so work is good. and I got a new laptop which I am typing on now yay!! :) not a lot else is going on I have a few more weeks of classes and I'll be done with that other than all this not a lot else is going on. I'll be heading out to Ohio for Christmas for a short visit. so yeah not a lot else is new. but thought I'd post an update.

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