Thursday, December 29, 2011

Back to Blog again

So I've decided to try my hand at blogging again cause it's fun! so to start back blogging I am going to start by showing you some fun things I bought recently/got for Christmas the first one are these adorable Flip Flops I bought at Flips out at the Mall of America last Friday

These are so cute I wouldn't normally buy flip flops in December in Minnesota, but they were just to cool to pass up these were made in Brazil

The second item I bought actually on Monday are these Tech gloves they allow you to use your Iphone or other Tech device with the gloves on which is pretty cool

These were from Old Navy and they were on Clearance! Even better. The bad part is these were made in China I'll tell you why that's bad in a minute.

The third Item I got for Christmas from my Parents this adorable Chihuahua Wallet from Fuzzynation she purchased this at Macy's sometime before Christmas

This Adorable Wallet was also Made in China.

The reason it is unfortunate that these items were made in different countries is they do not go along with my new project my new fantastic blog!

Rachel's Made in America Blog

This is something I'm very excited about I'm finding it very fun finding things Made in the USA and then featuring them on my site No readers to speak of yet, but hopefully it will pick up somewhat. I've declared to myself the 2012 is going to be a great year! and this is just one of many things in store for this upcoming year! Go check it out!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Working a lot

been working on a big project at work which means a lot of overtime which is good for my paycheck not so good for my personal life not to mention been sick all of the last week had a one day weekend and not it's back to work in the morning blah, but anyway just wanted to make a breif post I think it's time to get somethings in order

Tuesday, October 04, 2011



Sunday, September 11, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Big Lots!

Big Lots yes Please! went to the new Big Lots tonight it was actually the 2nd time I'd been in there, but the first time I basically just ran through quickly to take a look I didn't think much of it until I went back again and started really looking I know Big Lots have been around for awhile, but they are new to me basically what they are I guess is like an overstock store they won't replace Target or Walmart as those stores have more items, but the items they do have I think will beat those stores so what did I get exactly this

and how much did this magical basket of miscellaneous things cost me? $9.80! Wow here's what my $9.80 got me

This Calculator was $4.00 my most expensive item


2 bags of Brown Rice at .60 cents each Wow that's amazing I use brown rice for homemade dog food so that saves me money!.. what else

Tissues! for $1.00 I know you can find those relatively cheap, but I think $1.00 is pretty good and yes they do have Garfield on them I happen to like Garfield :) and besides when you need to blow your nose who cares whats on the tissue box.. anything else!

What's that Paula Deen! yep Paula Deen Macaroni I tasted her recipe at her restaurant in Savannah Georgia last year and it was delicious I imagine this will not live up to that, but hopefully it's still good this was $1.95.... is there more you ask? Yes!

yep a green basket for $1.20 I'm doing some organizing of my closet this will help, but that's a good deal $1.20 anyway here's my reciept

Ok so that was my night stopping at the new Big Lots! check it out!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Poor Fishy!!

so my overfed rosy barb (fish) decided to try to swim out of a tiny whole in an ornament that was obviously to big for it and got stuck half way through it was struggling I couldn't leave it so I tried gently shaking it out even was going to break the ornament finally went back to trying to gently pull it out with my fingers and got it out only for it to float up to the top dead! le sigh poor fishy! I tried to save you I failed :(

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Won the Lottery!!!

Ok well not really I wish, but it's funny this morning when I heard the poweball winner was in Minnesota for a half a minute I was like hmm maybe!! I'm sure everyone in Minnesota was thinking that until they heard where the ticket was sold and of course what the numbers were. ,but I didn't win what a bummer ;) Oh well such is life I really only play the lottery because for 24hrs or a couple of days you can play the lets pretend game if I won the lottery I would do this? I would go here? I would buy that? lol $1 worth of fun anyway what else is going on with me well got my new fish tank set up and all my fish moved over to it so far I think it looks pretty good what do you think

I also babysat Maddie a couple weeks ago and gave her a new toy camera I think she liked it!

Monday, August 01, 2011

Hey there!

Hey there everyone one person that reads this how are you? No seriously how are you? Good that's good me oh I'm good it's now August and I think I may have some things a cooking in my life by that I mean things may be starting in motion don't want to talk about them here, but one thing I can talk about is I've been doing Zumba for the past almost 2 months last class tomorrow, but I'm hoping to find a new class soon also just started Pilates yesterday and man it kicked my ass my stomach felt awful today so did my back and neck... oh wait that second part was because I was on my way to see a movie with my Mom on Sunday and some lady rearended my car GRRRR! we were coming off an off ramp about to turn light had just turned green, but cars were not really moving yet I'm guess this lady saw the green light and just gunned it or something she told me she was looking at that building over there she'd never seen it before! DUH! argh I was just like um ok insurance please then my Mom started having back spasm so I called the ambulance, but everyone is ok now just maybe a little stiff/sore anyway I'm off track here now. What I had originally started talking about was working out so I'm doing Zumba and Pilates now and I'm hoping to get into a Yoga class soon. Getting myself into shape is a big goal of mine I'd also like to get this compact treadmill that I saw at sharper image it's $149 very reasonable I just don't have those funds to buy it just yet, but I will. I've also been a neglectful dog owner I hardly ever take my dogs for walks I need to start doing that they are tiny chihuahuas with leg and asthma problems so them missing walks isn't necessarily a bad thing, but at least short walks I think would be good for them. Anyways man it's getting late or at least for someone who wakes up at 5AM so I'm off to bed Good night Blogger land!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It Happened!

I turned 30! and guess what I'm still ok! the world didn't come to an end that's of course not to say I'm completely cool with being 30 I wish I had a time machine and could go back a few years, but oh well best not to dwell on the past life is now not five years ago no time like the present to start living life to the fullest. My Family threw me a surprise party on July 8th!
Thank You Family!

Saturday which was my actual Birthday I went to the Outlet mall with my Mom and sister and then out to dinner and a Movie with a couple of friends it was a good Birthday weekend! I also got a new Fish tank from my family

it's a 26 Gallon tank I currently have I believe an 18 gallon tank so I'm very excited to get this tank set up I just have to get a new base for it! Equally as awesome ,but in a different way my sister got us tickets and back stage pass/ meet and greet tickets to See Maroon 5 in September never done anything like that so it will be very exciting.

And Now back to reality!

Thursday, July 07, 2011


How did this happen It's nearly the big birthday! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW say it aint so I'm not ready to be that old yet. Ok so I started my current job when I was 25 I remember doing this I went in for the next 5 years into outlook during my original training class in 2006 and marked each Birthday with my age last year I put my first 29th birthday and for this year all I wrote as AHHHHH 30! gee whiz 25 year olds sure are immature lol. Oh wait I still feel that way hrmph!

Friday, July 01, 2011

Goal number 2

See the World!

Just went down to Kentucky for a family reunion does that count

Saturday, June 18, 2011

First thing on the list

one thing I've read you should do before you are 30 is get out of debt!

Here's Hoping ;)

Oh also I bought this Book probably 8 years ago

Hmm maybe I should have read it lol

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The List

Resources are limited and so is time so I'm just going to do a couple of things Now originally when I thought about this I was thinking yeah I'll do one thing a day for 30 days now that is pretty unrealistic I was thinking of funny/easy things I could do and this is actually harder than I thought so I'm going to try to come up with between 5-10 things that I can do before July 9th that are easy yet possibly significant so I'll see what I can come up with I'm still working on the list!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

30 Days!

So it just hit me today like a ton of bricks Today is June 9th 30 days from today is July 9th.....HOLY SHIT! how in the hell did I get so OLD! YIKES!,but seriously I knew it was coming it just hit me hard today for some reason mind you I'm not having a freak out about it just had one of those moments like Oh Crap! SO anyway this was today ,but it inspired me to do something I started to think about all the things they say "you should do before you are 30" well I realize 30 days is not really a lot of time to accomplish the typical things from a list like that, but maybe I could do some of them first thing I'll count for today is starting this personal challenge since it's 11PM and I still have to go to work tomorrow so I'm going to compile my list and then get started on it tomorrow officially! wish me luck!

Monday, June 06, 2011

Dog chases Remote Control car

Look Look I used my new software!! ok this one doesn't really count because all I did was cut out some footage, but hey enjoy it's a start! this is my sisters dog running around her back yard chasing a remote control car she didn't like it to much,

Thursday, June 02, 2011

It Has Arrived

So I recently decided to start making moves to better my personal and financial life as well as just get back to some things that will let me use my creative talents however talented I may or may not be I just bought some new video editing software I haven't edited video since I graduated from tech school back in 2003 I have an associates degree in Video Production so far I have done nothing with it and I pretty much had given up on it, but recently I thought why don't I just get some editing software to play around with it's been a long long time so it will be slow going getting back into it, but Yesterday MY SOFTWARE ARRIVED!!! Yay!!!! I'm so excited to play around with this software it's just consumer grade software, but it's a start! I have the feeling big things will be happening for me soon be they video editing software related or not here's a pic

Whatever happens I'm going to have fun!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So this last weekend of course was Memorial Day weekend so what did I do I went to see the Hangover II it was good basically it was a reboot of the first one that's pretty much what I was expecting so it was ok if you've seen the first one you know what happens in the 2nd one, but it was entertaining. that actually happened on Sunday. on Saturday I worked which was yuck, but not a big deal got to earn those pennies somehow. After work I went to the Albertville Outlet mall with my Mom and did a little shopping

Maybe I have a shopping problem lol.. Believe it or not though with all the sales they were having everything in that pile cost me less than $200 Amazing I know!, but I really did need to refresh my wardrobe I tend to wear the same things over and over again so it's good to change it up a bit with some new things... Well anyway I've blogged and I hope to do more of that soon as well right now it's after 10PM oh my! way past my bed time off to bed talk to you later Bloggers

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Past 5 years

I just realized today that I,ve had this blog now for over 5 years I went back and read some of my early post. It's crazy how much has changed and also how much has not changed. Maybe this blog can com back to life more in it's 6th year! We'll see!

Saturday, May 07, 2011

things that make you go Hmmm.

Ok title of the blog doesn't really make sense, but anyway. I've got a big birthday coming up this summer and I think that's made me reassess a lot of things in my life and the way I've been doing a lot of things in my life. Now a lot of the stuff I've always known it just maybe doesn't sink in as much and maybe it is now. I've always known that your job is not who you are it's just what you do for most people your job is your whole life or at least a major part of it. Well my job does not define me in anyway shape or form it's just the way I make a paycheck. I've always thought it terms of it being my income well I sometimes like to read financial books, inspirational books and law of attraction books not because I necessarily buy into everything they say, but they tend to get me inspired one thing recently I read says that your earning potential is unlimited and I thought about that at first it's like well yes it is limited because I can't control how much money I get in a raise!... well that's not what they are talking about it means that you don't have to rely on just one source for income again going back to that my job doesn't define me nor does it define my earning potential if I rely on that then honestly I'm not really going to be getting anywhere financially anytime soon. SO in this coming Decade gulp of my life I intend to focus on earning more money in multiple ways and learning to have my money work for me instead of the other way around I'm going to look for different things to do and make money... Wow not sure how this blog turned into a financial blog all of the sudden that's not what I intended when I started writing it lol.. anyway besides financially I intend to do a lot of things differently as far as taking care of my own health like getting into better shape. learning to not criticize myself, finding new activities and challenges and basically just taking more control in my own life doing things I enjoy and not just sitting on the sidelines and watching everyone else do everything!! It's my time and I intend to live it to the fullest. It's funny because in this time of me being so reflective it seems kind of like the "universe" has been sending me signals I keep stumbling on articles online about either making more money or getting in shape and maybe it's because I'm more open and looking for stuff like that (when I say stumble upon I don't mean I googled these topics anywho) one article was called "why you should quit your job now" lol it's was poignant ,but in case my employer sees this I am not quitting and please don't fire me ;) oh and also I got in the car one day last week and they were playing Bon Jovi's song "It's my life" not sure if that the right title of the song, but anyway I was like yeah Bon Jovi you are so right. Well bought time to warp this up thanks for listening my not so secret diary.

Friday, May 06, 2011

I Want...

So adorable I hope this helps them raise a lot of money and awareness!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Animal Humane Society:

Animal Humane Society:

The Donate Button doesn't seem to be working could someone please check by making a donation thanks that'd be great

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Animal Humane Society:

Currently I'm raising money for the Animal Humane Society in my Local area I'll be participating in the Walk for Animals on April 30th I'm 1/4 of the way to my goal I'm trying to reach possibly $1,000.00, but hey I'll get as close as I can please help if you can

Animal Humane Society:

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bad Blogger

I am such a bad blogger lol I think if I did have any readers they would probably have given up on my blog by now well good thing for me is I haven't I may be sporadic in my postings, but I still like having the outlet. lately I've been contemplating I guess just life in general I'm approaching a very "adult" age and I think it's time to "Shit or get off the Toilet" pardon my language. by that I mean I need to figure out where I want to live how I'm going to afford it and what in the heck to I want to be when I grow up? Guess what Rachel you're a grown up like it or not well anyway small venting session right now I"m trying to figure out if I want to go back to school or not and if so for what? in the mean time here's a book I read awhile ago that maybe will give some inspiration.

Monday, January 10, 2011


So much for the 2010 365 project only made it to October bummer oh well. I'm not going to try it again in 2011 ,but I'll try to post a bunch of pictures anyway. I'm determined to make 2011 My Year I know I say that every year and everyone says that every year, but I mean it no time like the present start making things happen!! Cheers to 2011!!