Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Won the Lottery!!!

Ok well not really I wish, but it's funny this morning when I heard the poweball winner was in Minnesota for a half a minute I was like hmm maybe!! I'm sure everyone in Minnesota was thinking that until they heard where the ticket was sold and of course what the numbers were. ,but I didn't win what a bummer ;) Oh well such is life I really only play the lottery because for 24hrs or a couple of days you can play the lets pretend game if I won the lottery I would do this? I would go here? I would buy that? lol $1 worth of fun anyway what else is going on with me well got my new fish tank set up and all my fish moved over to it so far I think it looks pretty good what do you think

I also babysat Maddie a couple weeks ago and gave her a new toy camera I think she liked it!

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