Monday, August 01, 2011

Hey there!

Hey there everyone one person that reads this how are you? No seriously how are you? Good that's good me oh I'm good it's now August and I think I may have some things a cooking in my life by that I mean things may be starting in motion don't want to talk about them here, but one thing I can talk about is I've been doing Zumba for the past almost 2 months last class tomorrow, but I'm hoping to find a new class soon also just started Pilates yesterday and man it kicked my ass my stomach felt awful today so did my back and neck... oh wait that second part was because I was on my way to see a movie with my Mom on Sunday and some lady rearended my car GRRRR! we were coming off an off ramp about to turn light had just turned green, but cars were not really moving yet I'm guess this lady saw the green light and just gunned it or something she told me she was looking at that building over there she'd never seen it before! DUH! argh I was just like um ok insurance please then my Mom started having back spasm so I called the ambulance, but everyone is ok now just maybe a little stiff/sore anyway I'm off track here now. What I had originally started talking about was working out so I'm doing Zumba and Pilates now and I'm hoping to get into a Yoga class soon. Getting myself into shape is a big goal of mine I'd also like to get this compact treadmill that I saw at sharper image it's $149 very reasonable I just don't have those funds to buy it just yet, but I will. I've also been a neglectful dog owner I hardly ever take my dogs for walks I need to start doing that they are tiny chihuahuas with leg and asthma problems so them missing walks isn't necessarily a bad thing, but at least short walks I think would be good for them. Anyways man it's getting late or at least for someone who wakes up at 5AM so I'm off to bed Good night Blogger land!

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