Monday, December 31, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007

Monday, December 17, 2007

Happy Holidays

Well it's been awhile since I've updated so I guess it was time so not a lot of things going Christmas is a week away which is crazy, but I'm pretty much done shopping and I'm ready for Christmas. This last weekend I went to Macys downtown and went and saw the 8th floor display which was the nutcracker it was a cute little display it's cheesy and mostly for kids I hadn't been to it in years it was a real blast from the past. we also saw the Holidazzle parade it was cute there were lots of floats with Christmas lights adorned on them there was a real cute one that was little kids in like a zoo train and they were all dressed in really elaborate costumes it was cute. It was freezing though, but fun. not much else to report work is well work not very exciting I could take it or leave it most days, but I guess who doesn't feel that way about their jobs? not much else to report here is a funny video of Lola trying to get into a stocking.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy ThanksGiving

Happy Turkey Day Everyone. I had a good Thanksgiving the usual turkey etc,but it was good. prior to Thanksgiving last Friday we had a surprise party for my Dad he turned the big 60 he was surprised, but he figured something was going happen since this was our third surprise party of the year. oh well.

In other news I just became a rep for a company called Nature Rich check out my new site.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Monday, November 05, 2007

My New Bed spread

So I thought it was time for a new bed spread so I went and got one at target isn't it pretty

I especially like the Chihuahua pillow on the end.

Monday, October 29, 2007

it's Halloween time

Happy Halloween Everyone

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

here's a post

well I was just looking at my page here and realized it probably looks like all I do is watch TV or atleast lately, but that's not true. I've been doing a lot lately I went to Virgina/DC last weekend
We went there to both vacation and to see some relatives it was a fun trip and DC is a cool city to visit I'd like to go back again some day and see a little more of course there is other places I'll probably go before I go there again, but still it will be on my list again. then the very next day after I got back I went to see Maroon 5 it was a cool concert me and Sara had a fun time

we had floor seats that was a different experience I'm used to sitting for atleast part of the concert not so when your on the main floor everyone stands so you have to also if you want to see the stage, but it was fun!
and in other news I did get my little promotion at work and my raise it wasn't quite as much as I had hoped for, but it will do for now ;) this last weekend I went up to the casino and won about $300 woo hoo go me!!! I left soon after I didn't want to risk loosing it I did end up going shopping at MOA on Saturday and another mall on Sunday, but actually I didn't spend that much at the mall so I still have some left Yay ;) well right now I'm tired so I'm gonna head off to bed, but I just wanted to give a little update on my life (to whoever may read this if anyone)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Am I wrong

Is it wrong to be excited about TV! because I am all my favorite shows start next week so I can officially be a couch potato again! oh no. well I'm going out of town on Wednesday night so I'll be a couch Potato to my TIVO when I get back I guess. I can't wait to see some of my favorite shows including. Heroes, Grey's Anatomy and The office among others. I'll try not to be to much of a couch potato, but for the first couple weeks of the season I guess I will be. Premiere week is the best TV week can't wait.

Ok Enough of my meaningless entertainment besides premiere not a lot else going on I'm going to Virginia next week with My Mom to go to DC and see some family should be fun! oh and I also may have gotten a promotion at work my boss says I probably got it, but she's not sure yet and that was on Monday I haven't heard anything yet. mind you this isn't a grand promotion that will really move me up in the company to much it's just a change of status for the kinds of mortgage calls I can get otherwise my job is absolutely the same, but it comes with a raise!!! that's the part I'm hoping for and it better be good ;)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Finally a Post!

Well it's Been over a month since my last post. so I figured It was time to make a new post A lot has gone on over the last month or so. actually. before my last post I was in California going to wine Country!

although this was a month ago I figured it deserved a mention. the main reason we went there was to Surprise my sister for her big 30! birthday! Does she look surprised to you?

I was there for about 4 days total it was a fun time. 2 days after I got back was the bridge tragedy,but I already did a post about that so I won't rehash that., but now it's August an That means State Fair time!!!one of my very favorite things to do in the summer. I actually ended up going 3 times this year. I don't usually go that often just the opportunity came about 3 times and I didn't have anything else going on so I thought what the heck. Below is a crowd shot from the fair. I don't know that guy walking by he just walked into frame as the photo was snapped.

The fair is always fun so much greasy, but delicious foods good things the fair only once a year or I'd weigh 200lbs :) also another thing I like to do is see how much free crap I can get not papers ,but pens, yard stick, or whatever. well I discovered if you want to do this you have to go early or your SOL I went the first time on the 2nd day and people were handing me bags with stuff in them left and right just for walking by their booth I even got a free screw driver from a tool place a good quality one to I was pretty pleased with my haul. then I went on the Sunday of the first weekend and I got some stuff not quite as much as before, but a fair amount, but I was going to see if I could get another screw driver not because I need it just because I'm greedy ;), but they didn't have them! not a big deal because I already had one., but the last time I went was a week later I walked out of there with not one free thing. it was crazy if that had been my first time there I would have been disappointed. so next year when I go I'm gonna go the first or second day :) anyway also next I think I'm going to limit my fair trips to 2 total 3 might have been over kill not really, but I saw everything already by then. oh well I had fun all three times. in other news not a ton going on work is well work I am hopefully getting a promotion next month. Wow that sounds exciting doesn't it except it's not as much as it sounds now I'm a rep 1 and I'm going to be a rep 2 nothing at all changes about my job except I'll get a raise!! i'M Crossing my fingers. at the end of this month I'm going to be going to Virgina/DC to see some relatives with Mom. The day after I get back I'm going to go see Maroon 5 in concert with my friend Sara. I have floor seats I've never had floor seats at a concert so this will be interesting. In other news I had a crazy dream last night that zombies were loose outside took me a few minutes after I woke to shake the feeling that there weren't really zombies outside lol obviously I knew there weren't, but dreams are weird. anyway the reason I had the weird dream was because I just saw a preview for the movie Resident evil no thanks besides movies made from video games are typically crap anyway. I was there seeing Superbad which by the way I highly recommend it was hilarious! a very realistic portray of high school students brought back memories.

Well I've sure rambled on a lot here I haven't blogged in awhile I guess it was pent up. ;)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

35W Devastation

in case people hadn't hear there was a major bridge collapse on 35W in Minneapolis this is a road that I take myself from time to time. I can't even imagine what those people went through this has got to be one of if not the worst tragedy to happen in Minnesota at least in modern times. I was going to be going downtown tonight to a meetup at a bar that was actually near this area, but I wouldn't have had to take the bridge. I don't know if I know anyone that was on the bridge the odds are good that I at least know of someone who was on that bridge. I've heard of fatalities I pray for those people and anyone trapped and for their families. of all the times that this tragedy could occur it happened at rush hour! Its so crazy that stuff like this happens without warning. I can't even imagine the terror that these people who were on the bridge must have felt. I'm going to continue to watch the news hoping to get some more details.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Well not really an update, but I haven't been on here in awhile so I thought it was time for a new post. not a lot new is happening just working basically. oh I did sign up for a 401k a few weeks ago that's pretty impressive probably should have done that along time ago. oh well can't change the past gotta start somewhere right? Tomorrow is the fourth of July and Moms having her usual barbecue should be fun the best part is no Work!!! Yay!! I'm gonna sleep!!! this is kind of a boring post because there is not a lot going on the only thing coming up is the Nickleback/Daughtry concert at the end of the month that's something to look forward to anyway. well hmm not much else to say I'll try to think of something more interesting to talk about for my next post.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Fathers Day! to My Dad! and all the Dad's out there.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Edit Edit Edit

Argh! I don't know how it happens, but 2 times now my blogs have published wierd the second half goes before the first half or is missing. I just looked at my last Vegas post and it was out of order. I think there's a blogger consipracy here. ;)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Vegas Baby!

well got back from Vegas on Sunday night and I'm still tired!, but it was an awesome trip Mom and I had a lot of fun. lost a little more money then I would have liked to (I would have preffered winning, oh well can't get everything we want I guess) We saw 3 shows there and 2 were good. We saw Mama Mia the first night and it was awesome if you get a chance to go see it do it! then Friday night we went to see the Price is right live and it kinda sucked I mean it wasn't aweful, but it wasn't great either it was just like the real show pretty much except no Bob Barker and the prizes were kind of weak. in the final show case they brought out a car and all these cool prizes and of course I'm sure everyone was thinking as I was that whoever bid closer (they had 2 contestants) would win all that stuff. um no that's not how it worked the person closest won a DVD player and if they had gotten within $100 then they would have won the car. kinda lame oh well. The last night we Saw the Producers and it was really good to really funny. I can't decide which is better Mama Mia or the Producers I think it was a tie. We also went to see Madame Tousauds Wax museum and to the top of the fake Eifle tower. it was a fun trip, but I was happy to come home the last day because I was pretty much out of money. oh well. I'm gonna go back to Vegas again sometime, but not for a long time 2 years atleast!. Here are some pictures from the trip.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Vegas Baby

Heading out tommorow for Vegas can't wait! I'm gonna win big!! (or so I tell myself) if not ohwell. not a lot has been going on lately I guess that's why I haven't blogged much lately. just working and living life. I got my first bonus at work this week and I'm expecting an even bigger one in June and July Yay!!!! can't wait $$$$ I may be able to get out of debt sooner than expected!!! Here's hoping!!. oh and I did go see All Shook up a Broadway play inspired by Elvis music. It was really good a definate fun show. tommorow night (in Vegas) we're going to go see Mamma Mia. I'm excited. well not much else to mention at the moment so wish me luck in Vegas!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Elvis Says Hello

Elvis Says Hello! Not a lot going on lately just working and living life. I've been reading the book the Secret it's all about the Law of attraction and how positive energy attracts positive energy I definately think there is something to that. not 100% it works quite as well as the book claims, but hey worth a shot right! No more dwelling on things that cannot be changed or things that make me mad (well I'm gonna try anyway) well anyways I'm looking forward to my trip to Vegas in 12 days or so we're going to see Mama Mia I think it should be fun before that I'm taking Mom to see "All Shook Up" for mothers day in about a week. oooh oooh and Spiderman 3 opens tommorow can't wait to see it!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Katelyn's Bday

Just want to say Happy Birthday to Katelyn who turned 1 yesterday I went to her first bday party yesterday.

New York Trip Part 2

well I said I would write more on my New York trip so here I go. we went Wednesday to what ended up being Monday. Tuesday night I went over to Jenny's house so we could go to the airport before the butt crack of dawn and went to the Airport only to discover that oh crap our flight was cancelled!! yikes luckily they were able to get us out on another flight a flight that left at 6:25AM and this was 6:08AM so we had to wait to get through security and then practically formula and tooth paste in her carry on Great luckily it didn't take to long it was me Jenny, Jenny's Mom Linda and Jenny's daughter Katelyn who is one. we got routed through St. Louis MO I'd never been there before I get I really still haven't, but the airport was nice :) I looked for the big Arch thing as we flew in, but didn't see it aw shucks. Finally made it to New York around 1:00PM and then finally to the hotel around 3:00PM (traffic and getting luggage) didn't end up doing that much but walking around the area around the hotel. the next day it was pouring down rain and we were set to go on a bus tour we did it was wet, but we still had fun mostly stayed on the bus, but we did get off at a few stops that night think we just ate dinner and didn't do much else Friday we got back on the bus and the sun was shinning (still kinda cold though) and we hoped on and off the bus quite a bit Times Square, Ground Zero, Rockefellar Center and many more. Saturday we went to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island we also took a 90 minute boat cruise up the hudson it was really relaxing and we learned a lot about the city on there. alas we thought our trip was winding to a close we were going to head to the airport early on Sunday because of the storm (noreaster) nope that didn't happen either our flight was cancelled at 2:00AM a message was left on my cell phone. so I had to call them at 7:30AM when I woke up and got the message. No flights out today they said so I had to book a flight out Monday morning. so I tried to rebook our hotel room for that night only to be told they didn't have any rooms left because of a group coming in. Luckily I was able to find a hotel a few blocks away which actually ended up being cheaper and really close to times square the only problem was we couldn't get in until 3 they did let us put our luggage there though so we walked around times square some more and got completely drenched because it was down pouring like crazy we finally decided we were going to go sit in the hotel Lobby and stare at the front desk agents until the found us a room it only took about 20 minutes and the room was a lot nicer then our other one was kind of wish we could have stayed at that hotel the whole time. We actually didn't get to stay there long we had to get up and go to the airport at 2:00AM!!, but it was nice to atleast get a few hours sleep there. finally made it back safe and sound to my house at 12:00PM I came back with a bunch of souvenirs and a cold and I was exhausted, but it was really fun I'm definately going back to New York again sometime

The Bus we took


Monday, April 16, 2007

Back from outerspace!

back from New york City and what a crazy weekend it was. It was raining half the time, but we got a lot of sites in we took a bus tour a hop on hop off tour so we were able to go to Times Square, Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero and all kinds of places I'm really tired now and may be coming down with a slight cold, but other than that it was a fun trip. We got stuck there an extra day and had to switch hotels we mved from one best western to another. our flight got cancelled because of a noreaster storm (big storm) well I'm pretty tired now, but I'll write more about my trip later. meanwhile here are a few pictures.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Taxes are done!!

finished my taxes today!! Yay!! Not yay taxes ,but Yay they are done I thought I was going to have to pay a ton because I was on unemployment and opted not to pay taxes well turns out I would have had a big refund from my 2 jobs so luckily that balanced out the unemployment income so now I'm actually getting like $100 back from federal (I'll take it atleast I don't have to pay) well I do have to pay $4.00 to the state, but I think I can handle that. In other news finally got the money from my totalled car and I'm using the money to pay off credit cards since the interest on those is higher than the interest on the new car loan so it all balances out. feels good to be paying off credit card debt ahhh I can breathe a slight sigh of relief. I see an end to the debt nightmare (not real soon, but I see it coming). Anywho besides all this super exciting financial information not a ton is going on I got a new Camera a Sony Cybershot it's super cool and will come in handy on my Trip to New York in a week and a half.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

New Car

Finally got my new car I have yet to get my check for my old car, but hopefully it comes soon. in the mean time I'm now a new owner of a 2006 Hyundai Sonata yay! It has a sun roof yay!!!

Isn't it pretty!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Surprise Surprise!!

We pulled it off we succeeded in surprising Mom for her 60th Birthday. hehe her brother and sister and brother-in-law flew in from out of town as well as My sister and her husband. She was totally surprised. after several weeks of planning and scheming we pulled it off yay! Paula and her friend Tameesha did a really nice dinner. Overall it was a really fun night.

Right when she walked in

when she spotted everyone

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Car Shopping

Car shopping is tricky I'm not sure what Kind of car I want everyone I talk to has a different opinion as to what's a good car. Get a Hyundai, get a Kia, get a Honda. well sure, but what kind I'm not sure what kind of car I want basically just one that has good gas mileage, power locks and windows etc.. etc.. well I guess it will be a long weekend of car shopping! it's not a fun as it should be kind of a pain in the butt.

Also want to Mention Today would have been Grandma Mert's 89th Birthday. Happy Birthday Grandma!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday Mom!!! Love Ya

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Finally sometime last night between 11:30PM and 4AM they finally plowed us out of the driveway and we were able to leave finally today.


It felt good to finally escape the house for awhile we went to see the new movie Wild Hogs

Not Exactly an Oscar winner, but it was Cute. Pretty Funny a fun little escapist movie to go to on a lazy afternoon.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Snow Day!

Crazy Crazy Minnesota Weather!!!

What a day what a day first the accident and now this. Snow snow and more snow this is record breaking snow and it's not done yet it's just gonna keep coming and coming all night. I dont think I'll be going to work tommorow. the place might even be closed theres no way I'm getting out of the driveway as long as it looks like this.

Crazy Day I hope I don't get hassled for staying home tommorow or today I didn't really want to use my PTO today didn't really have a choice the icy weather had another plan. This is just craziness.

What a Beautiful Morning

SO I start out my day like normal I got up early because of the inpending snow fall I debated over whether or not I should go to work or not since the roads would most likely be bad., but I'm a good little worker so I decided to go to work and what happens as I'm crossing over the bridge on 55 into Minneapolis I hit a patch of ice and did a 360 spin and hit the wall twice and my car looks something like this now
Of course not exactly like that since that's not my car, but not far off luckily I didn't hit any other cars and I didn't get hurt so I guess that's all that matters, but man Car accidents suck!! Dad came to my rescue and called the tow truck and everything I called in to work since I obviously couldn't drive there I took a sick day. the weather here sucks today we are expecting up to 18inches of snow suck suck this is the worst snow storm we've had in years we'll see how it is tommorow morning I might call in then to . oh well I needed a new car anyway, but now I have to deal with all this crap ugh oh well.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

What's new?

Well not a lot is new just working and right now I'm watching the Amazing Race which by the way started a half hour late! silly thing cause of some golf thing that was on early oh well not a lot going on as I said I'm going to New york in April for a 5 days which should be fun I'm looking forward to it. Some other small projects in the work business and otherwise. I'm trying really hard to get out of debt and finally feel like I'm making some progress I think I'm going to look into some kind of debt consolidation loan which will hopefully save me a lot in interest hopefully I get approved. I'm trying to get out of debt so I can buy a town house Im hoping at the end of the year maybe a bit unrealistic, but I'm hopeful. I went to look at some townhouses this weekend not because I'm anywhere near ready at the moment, but more because It's just kind of fun to look and pretend and Imagine the possibilities.. I think the rest of this year is going to be good I just feel it. well I'm gonna go watch more amazing race. tah tah for now.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

back to basics

well not really back to basics, but life is settling down back to "Normal" or whatever that means came back from Ohio on Tuesday from a crazy/sad week in Ohio We got the Sad call on 1/24 that Grandpa had slipped into a coma and was fading fast that was around 3:45AM central time. after we got the call I just kind of laid in bed for a while until my alarm clock went off at 5:00AM and went and took a shower pretty much knowing I wouldn't be going to work that day, but just going through the motions I guess ultimately it was no decision to decide to go with Mom and Dad to Ohio I called into work for Wednesday and Thursday having already had Friday off. luckily they gave me 5 bereavement days which is sweet except I wish they had been for a different reason. anyway We started packing and getting ready to leave I had to run out to Walmart to get fish food (vacation fish food) and Dad brought Elvis (the cat) to the Vet to be boarded. While I was gone Mom got the call from Jack that Grandpa had passed Grandpa left this world at around 7:30AM Central time. with this very heavy and sad news we headed out to Ohio to attend the Funeral and attend to things. I drove up until Chicago and Dad drove the rest of the way 13 hours later we were in Ohio and exhausted especially Mom who had only come home for a few days and had just arrived home Monday from Ohio and was supposed to go back Thursday with Me. The days of the trip are kind of a blur Thursday we went to the funeral home and saw Grandpa I wasn't sure I wanted to see him like that, but i went behind the curtain and glanced at him and immediately left the room I couldn't do it I didn't want to see him like that. Thursday night Ruth and Jason Arrived in town and I guess stayed at a horrible hotel in down town Columbus the rest of the time they stayed at the Comfort Suites with everyone else. I can't even really remember what happened Friday more running around and then Friday Night Matt and Paula Flew in. Saturday Shopping for something to wear to the funeral. and Sunday was the viewing.

a lot of people attended which was nice to see a lot of people and companies that people worked for sent flowers.

and Sunday night we had a get together with many relatives and a few of Grandpa's Friends at the hotel.

Grandpa was Catholic so Monday there was a Mass at his Church which I guess a lot of people for a Monday Morning attended and there was nice lunch afterwards that the church prepared after the lunch everyone started heading back to thier homes all over the country. We left the next morning at about 6:00AM Eastern Time 4 of those lovely plants and all along with a bunch of other crap the car was stuffed (not to mention 2 little doggies). So anyway not to rant on to much more here it was a crazy week going back to work on Wednesday was ok I was so tired though and still kind of am. I'm so glad that, that week is over with Sad to say good bye to Grandpa, but glad things can settle down now hopefully for a long time. so Goodbye Grandpa I'll miss you and Love you forever. and Goodbye to Ohio I don't think I'll be back there any time soon after 25 plus years of regular visits.

Friday, January 26, 2007

John K Quatman 4-23-1920 - 1-24-07

Rest in Peace Grandpa!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

2007 is Here

Well it's 2007 now and the year isn't starting off to hot it looks like Grandpa does not have very much time left at all so the whole family will probably be heading there sometime in the next week or so. Other than this sad news I guess not a lot else is going on just working and trying to figure out how to get myself out of debt. I'll have a more lengthy post next time didn't feel much like posting to much today.