Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Vegas Baby!

well got back from Vegas on Sunday night and I'm still tired!, but it was an awesome trip Mom and I had a lot of fun. lost a little more money then I would have liked to (I would have preffered winning, oh well can't get everything we want I guess) We saw 3 shows there and 2 were good. We saw Mama Mia the first night and it was awesome if you get a chance to go see it do it! then Friday night we went to see the Price is right live and it kinda sucked I mean it wasn't aweful, but it wasn't great either it was just like the real show pretty much except no Bob Barker and the prizes were kind of weak. in the final show case they brought out a car and all these cool prizes and of course I'm sure everyone was thinking as I was that whoever bid closer (they had 2 contestants) would win all that stuff. um no that's not how it worked the person closest won a DVD player and if they had gotten within $100 then they would have won the car. kinda lame oh well. The last night we Saw the Producers and it was really good to really funny. I can't decide which is better Mama Mia or the Producers I think it was a tie. We also went to see Madame Tousauds Wax museum and to the top of the fake Eifle tower. it was a fun trip, but I was happy to come home the last day because I was pretty much out of money. oh well. I'm gonna go back to Vegas again sometime, but not for a long time 2 years atleast!. Here are some pictures from the trip.

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