Monday, April 23, 2007

New York Trip Part 2

well I said I would write more on my New York trip so here I go. we went Wednesday to what ended up being Monday. Tuesday night I went over to Jenny's house so we could go to the airport before the butt crack of dawn and went to the Airport only to discover that oh crap our flight was cancelled!! yikes luckily they were able to get us out on another flight a flight that left at 6:25AM and this was 6:08AM so we had to wait to get through security and then practically formula and tooth paste in her carry on Great luckily it didn't take to long it was me Jenny, Jenny's Mom Linda and Jenny's daughter Katelyn who is one. we got routed through St. Louis MO I'd never been there before I get I really still haven't, but the airport was nice :) I looked for the big Arch thing as we flew in, but didn't see it aw shucks. Finally made it to New York around 1:00PM and then finally to the hotel around 3:00PM (traffic and getting luggage) didn't end up doing that much but walking around the area around the hotel. the next day it was pouring down rain and we were set to go on a bus tour we did it was wet, but we still had fun mostly stayed on the bus, but we did get off at a few stops that night think we just ate dinner and didn't do much else Friday we got back on the bus and the sun was shinning (still kinda cold though) and we hoped on and off the bus quite a bit Times Square, Ground Zero, Rockefellar Center and many more. Saturday we went to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island we also took a 90 minute boat cruise up the hudson it was really relaxing and we learned a lot about the city on there. alas we thought our trip was winding to a close we were going to head to the airport early on Sunday because of the storm (noreaster) nope that didn't happen either our flight was cancelled at 2:00AM a message was left on my cell phone. so I had to call them at 7:30AM when I woke up and got the message. No flights out today they said so I had to book a flight out Monday morning. so I tried to rebook our hotel room for that night only to be told they didn't have any rooms left because of a group coming in. Luckily I was able to find a hotel a few blocks away which actually ended up being cheaper and really close to times square the only problem was we couldn't get in until 3 they did let us put our luggage there though so we walked around times square some more and got completely drenched because it was down pouring like crazy we finally decided we were going to go sit in the hotel Lobby and stare at the front desk agents until the found us a room it only took about 20 minutes and the room was a lot nicer then our other one was kind of wish we could have stayed at that hotel the whole time. We actually didn't get to stay there long we had to get up and go to the airport at 2:00AM!!, but it was nice to atleast get a few hours sleep there. finally made it back safe and sound to my house at 12:00PM I came back with a bunch of souvenirs and a cold and I was exhausted, but it was really fun I'm definately going back to New York again sometime

The Bus we took


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