Saturday, November 01, 2008
Lots of Stuff
Lots and Lots of stuff has gone on and I really do a have a lot I could write about and I will, but not tonight tonight I just want to post a pic that I took with my awesome new Nikon D40 Camera. it's of my little Lola of course.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I may be nutty about my animals sometimes, but the reason I like animals so much are that they are Loyal they're innocent little creatures they don't create drama like people do they are forgiving and loving they don't shit around with you like people do people piss me off on a regular basis. Animals however do not.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Kitty Teeth Cleaning
Just went and got Elvis from the Vet today he had to have his teeth cleaned Elvis is a 16 year old cat I normally wouldn't have had it done if it were just a cleaning, but his teeth were deteriorating and I guess he was in a lot of pain so we couldn't let that continue the vet says Elvis is a very Healthy cat especially for his age he sure doesn't act like an old man cat for the most part. he's a good cat a bit of a troublemaker, but overall a sweet kitty. I was the one who picked him out at the pound when he was a kitten and he called to me then he was sickly and small, but I fell in love I even tried to put him back and go look at other kittens, but as I walked away Elvis stuck his paw outside the cage and started yowling loudly. which maybe would scare some people away because he was loud and obnoxious he still is, but I love him anyway how could you not like Elvis :) here's a picture
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My New Blog
Monday, July 14, 2008
Back from Florida
Well just flew back from Florida and boy are my arms tired. hardy har har.. actually I got back yesterday. Mom and I went there to get away for a few days starting on my birthday July 9th-July 13th. It was a great trip the first day we didn't to a lot cause we were tired from getting up at 4AM and flying there we went out to dinner at a place called th Boston Lobster house (or something like that) The next day we went to Universal studios all day and it was lots of fun from the cute ET ride to the to much for Mom Mummy ride it was fun.

We went to see the BlueMan group at Universal Studios and let me tell you that is a crazy show it's like nothing I've ever seen before, but it was great definitely go see it if you get the chance in Vegas or wherever. After the show we went and ate at Bubba Gumps we have that here to in MN, but thier Coconut shrimp is delicious so had to go there. The next day in Florida we went to The Beach YAY it was awesome it was a beach called Caledesi island it was literally an island we went to a place in clearwater Florida called Honey Moon Beach State Park from there we took a ferry out to the island on the way out we saw Dolphins in the water and the boat stopped so everyone could get a look so that was great here's a video kinda shaky, but cool to see
The beach itself was just gorgeous white sandy beaches and tons of shells to pick from

Also while we were there Dolphins were jumping out of the water just beyond the barriers and everyone on the beach stopped to watch it was definitely awesome to see wild dolphins. The next day we saw dolphins again only this time they were at Sea World

SeaWorld was great it's very neat to see all the animals from seal ions and Dolphins to Shamu it's great

It was an awesome trip overall I got a sun tan and some relaxation Florida is definitely a good place to visit. Next time I go though I think I'm gonna go back to the Florida Keys just because I haven't been there before. next up a trip to Kentucky for the big family reunion down at Uncle Jeffs house in September!!
We went to see the BlueMan group at Universal Studios and let me tell you that is a crazy show it's like nothing I've ever seen before, but it was great definitely go see it if you get the chance in Vegas or wherever. After the show we went and ate at Bubba Gumps we have that here to in MN, but thier Coconut shrimp is delicious so had to go there. The next day in Florida we went to The Beach YAY it was awesome it was a beach called Caledesi island it was literally an island we went to a place in clearwater Florida called Honey Moon Beach State Park from there we took a ferry out to the island on the way out we saw Dolphins in the water and the boat stopped so everyone could get a look so that was great here's a video kinda shaky, but cool to see
The beach itself was just gorgeous white sandy beaches and tons of shells to pick from
Also while we were there Dolphins were jumping out of the water just beyond the barriers and everyone on the beach stopped to watch it was definitely awesome to see wild dolphins. The next day we saw dolphins again only this time they were at Sea World
SeaWorld was great it's very neat to see all the animals from seal ions and Dolphins to Shamu it's great
It was an awesome trip overall I got a sun tan and some relaxation Florida is definitely a good place to visit. Next time I go though I think I'm gonna go back to the Florida Keys just because I haven't been there before. next up a trip to Kentucky for the big family reunion down at Uncle Jeffs house in September!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Last night I had a weird dream I actually thought it was kind of funny so I thought I'd share it with the one or two people who read my blog. Last night I dreamt that I needed a part time job (in addition to my regular job), So I got a Part time job at Mrs. Fields cookies. (wait I think I already did that in real life) anyway I got the job and in the dream to I had worked there in high school just like in real life. I have today off of work because I have to work Saturday, but in my dream I had to get up to be to Mrs. Fields today at 8:00AM so I get there and the store is not open the gate is down and no one is there now it's my first day back in over 10 years, but somehow I still have a key so I unlock the gate (it actually doesn't have a gate in real life) I digress I go in and freak out because when you open the store you have to be there 2 hours beforehand to bake all the cookies so I rush to the freezer to get the dough and there are barely any frozen cookies left and only 2 different kinds so I pulled them out and was rushing to get them in the oven. ah, but then I woke up so I don't know what happened next. hmm I wonder what this dream means anyone care to dissect it Lol just kidding.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
something new
ok so I was watching TV! tonight and I saw this add of this little boy playing baseball saying I'm the greatest batter in the world. I'm the greatest batter in the world and he in fact wasn't, but after the third attempt and he didn't make it he stopped and thought for a minute and said I'm the greatest Pitcher in the world and got a big smile on his face then the message came on the screen optimism pass it on. I thought it was kinda cute, kinda odd. it said brought to you by the foundation for a better life. I was curious so I went online and looked it up. and what I found was this website full of all this positive stuff and since this is the direction I've kind of been moving in being more positive and trying to live to the fullest reading the secret listening to louise hayes kinda deal this fit right in and since there message is pass it on. I thought I would since I found this site they have so much positive stuff on there and such good messages for society in whole. as cheesy as it may be check it out maybe I'm in an odd mood or something, but I'm on the positive vibe so here's a link Foundation for a better life
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
TV is my Friend
I love TV I'm making a vow to watch more TV I don't watch it near enough. I need more TV
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Vision World
Finally a new post well really not much new to say I'm back from Vegas for a few weeks now actually and it was an interesting trip to say the least, but I won't get into to much of it the best parts of the trip were Terry Fator (the guy who won Americas got talent last summer the ventriloquist) he was very good. the last night we were there we went to see Bette Midler and she was great to see in concert. I didn't win anything while I was there, but oh well there's always next time right ;) the last day I was there I started to feel sick got home around 11:00PM on the 27th and then got up at 5AM to go to work the next day and I felt awful all day luckily I got to leave work a little early, but that night I had a temp of 102.9f it was not fun so I called in sick on Friday and laid in bed for the next 3 days. that's the sickest I've been in a really long time and now here I am 2 weeks later and I've still got a bit of a cough from it. oh and the Wednesday before we left I went to Vision World to get some new classes because for one thing my insurance is accepted there and their website says that some locations have your glasses ready in an hour. great I thought I'll go pick them out and have them by Vegas. nope didn't happen I picked out 2 pairs that I liked and they said they'll be ready in 10 days ok I was hoping for one hour, but 10 days is fairly reasonable so I go to Vegas assuming my glasses will be ready shortly after I return nope 10 days past and then 2 weeks nothing I called a couple times and they say there is a hold up at the lab finally about 2 1/2 weeks later they call and one of the 2 pairs is ready great finally so I pick them up take them home first time I go to clean them the lens almost pops out argh. I figured I would bring them back in when my other glasses came in the following Monday do you think my glasses came in the following Monday nope they came in today 3 weeks and 1 day later just went and picked them up tonight. I'm still not sure what the hold up is, but I have them now so that's all that matters , but I don't recommend Vision World at least not for speedy service anyway besides that exciting story I'm looking forward to going to see Jersey boys Next weekend and having this weekend off of work sleep is good :) well not much else to report I''ll post more when there is :)
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Here's a post
well you know what it's been awhile since my last post, but really the reason I don't blog enough is because my llife isn't that exciting I work I sleep I go back to work I watch a little TV that's about it. this week I worked overtime so I was barely home at all which is stinky, but the money is nice and I'm gonna use it to pay off some bills I will be debt free and financially secure this year despite the economy I'm sticking to my guns on this and it will happen mark my words. oh also what's new I started Yoga recently and it's going pretty good I like it so far I think I'm gonna stick to it. well as I said not much else to report I'm going to Vegas in a couple weeks can't wait it's gonna be fun! well I'll blog more when I have something relatively interesting to say ;)
Friday, January 04, 2008
it's 2008!
Wow I can't believe it's 2008! time sure flies when your having fu....just living normal everyday life. 2007 was a mixed year it had some highs and some major lows and I'm glad it's over and I'm looking forward to a great 2008 I have some big plans for myself this year. that as they unfold I'll be sure to post about. as for now I'm just living life going to work and doing normal stuff been a little busy with the holidays and what not so I haven't been posting much, but I'll try to do better in the coming year.
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