Thursday, June 12, 2008


Last night I had a weird dream I actually thought it was kind of funny so I thought I'd share it with the one or two people who read my blog. Last night I dreamt that I needed a part time job (in addition to my regular job), So I got a Part time job at Mrs. Fields cookies. (wait I think I already did that in real life) anyway I got the job and in the dream to I had worked there in high school just like in real life. I have today off of work because I have to work Saturday, but in my dream I had to get up to be to Mrs. Fields today at 8:00AM so I get there and the store is not open the gate is down and no one is there now it's my first day back in over 10 years, but somehow I still have a key so I unlock the gate (it actually doesn't have a gate in real life) I digress I go in and freak out because when you open the store you have to be there 2 hours beforehand to bake all the cookies so I rush to the freezer to get the dough and there are barely any frozen cookies left and only 2 different kinds so I pulled them out and was rushing to get them in the oven. ah, but then I woke up so I don't know what happened next. hmm I wonder what this dream means anyone care to dissect it Lol just kidding.

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