Thursday, August 31, 2006


Well I started School back on the 21st I have 3 Online classes and they are a lot of work I'm kinda glad I don't have a job this first week just so I can get a hang of these classes, but they're good they're kinda fun and interesting I have one more class that starts in October. so wish me luck with those. on the Job front I hopefully have 2 good prospects I don't really want to talk about them til I hear more, but cross your fingers for me :) and if they don't pan out which I hope they will, but if they dont' something good is going to come along very soon I have a feeling. I don't think I'm gonna be unemployed much longer. In other news not a lot going on I went to the State Fair last Saturday it was a lot of fun as it always is and I went to the Mall of America right after with my friends Trisha and Jenny and that was fun to I actually went on rides at the amusement park at MOA I only did it because I had free tickets I went on the Ferris Wheel and The something Twister. it's a roller coaster that spins you around the whole time. yeah not gonna go on that one again I was so dizzy after that. personally that's not a fun feeling for me :) So that's what's going on with me I may go to the fair again this coming Saturday cause it's so fun and it only comes around once a year! nothing more to report.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

American Idol is cool dammit

Can you see that? umm not really, but that's my picture from last night I went to the American Idol concert with my Mom (I'll admit I'm a nerd I like AI and I go to the concerts) it was a good show the first half was the lesser idols, but none of them were that bad the only one that was annoying was ACE the Douche bag sorry he's just not my cup o tea. The second half was really fun because Chris, Elliot and Taylor sang oh and Katherine McPhee who only sang 2 songs. Chris rocked the house everyone was screaming he may have been the most popular one there and Elliot was good as usual and Taylor came from down an Aisle on the side that Aisle was the one Mom and I were sitting in and we were in seats one and two so he walked right past us singing if I had known he was gonna do that I would've got my camera phone out sooner and snapped a photo well I did snap a photo, but it's the blurry one I posted here as he was walking on to the main level. I guess if people had known then it wouldn't have been a surprise ;) that's the closest I think I've ever been to even a quasi celebrity pretty cool maybe that Albino squirrel from the other day is lucky :) ok I'm starting to sound like a big nerd now so I'm gonna stop talking about AI. in other news I started School on Monday I have 3 online Classes so it's a little different all I did to start school was log onto the school website :) pretty cool hope I do well. No new job yet, but I've been applying to a lot more jobs lately so pretty soon I hope. wish me luck.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Lucky The Albino Squirrel

This is my new pet! well sort of I think this is an Albino Squirrel although it kind of looks like a mouse to, but based on the tail and the way it's back legs which you can't see in this picture I'm guessing squirrel I don't think I've seen a squirrel period since I moved to Maple Grove until this one definately something you don't see every day. it was kind of wierd I noticed it outside the front door while I was walking down the stairs at first I thought it was Lola because I just saw the white real quick and I was like what's she doing outside then of course I saw Lola behind me on the stairs :) and I went to see what it was and I noticed the bushy tail so I ran back upstairs and grabbed my camera and went ouside hoping to get a picture funny thing was the squirrel wasn't very smart because it just ran behind th air condition vent and sat there in plain view I think it thought I couldn't see it, but I took a bunch of pictures of it. this happened a few days ago and I haven't seen the squirrel since I'm hoping he found a nice safe place to live and not the alternative ..ah..hem.. there are a lot of Hawks around here, but we'll pretend that that is not a possibility. anyway I think I'll call him(or her) Lucky. Lucky the Albino Squirrel.

(I figured out how to post more pictures I just need to make them smaller yay!)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back on Solid Ground

I'm Back! and I'm so glad to be mainly because flying isn't my favorite thing anyway and then to be at threat level Orange the whole time. yikes, but it actually wasn't to bad we didn't carry any liquids and took off our shoes so we (my Mom and I) got through security fairly quickly both ways. the trip it's self was both fun and not fun mostly fun though. we came in Friday night and went to our Hotel where we went and saw my Uncle Bill and Cousin Naja and Aunt Barb. My sister and Jason picked us up in thier rental car and we all went to see the relatives at the hotel. Naja was a bundle of energy climbing all over everyone that night (she's not shy) she's 3. on Saturday we went to Waffle House for breakfast and then over to see Grandpa for a bit and then off to the Ohio State Food Court errr.. State Fair which by the way is not a cool as the Minnesota State Fair ;) not a lot to it. it's a lot smaller than Minnesota's and there were just a lot of food and different food than we have here nothing looked that appealing though. (side note about Blogger I didn't realize this, but you can only post a certain amount of pictures on here I didn't realize this turns out I've already reached my limit :( so I'm gonna have to see what I can do about this) After the fair we went to a place called Uno's for dinner I had Shrimp Scampi that "was not good" no flavor it tasted like I was eating just butter and noodles yuck! Sunday we mostly just hung out at Grandpa's and the hotel we also took some family photos. Monday we took Ruth and Jason to the Airport and then hung out at Grandpa's again for a little bit and then My Mom, Uncle Bill, Cousin Naja, Aunt Barb and I went to the Columbus Zoo. it was pretty cool because my Uncle Bill used to work in Zoo's so he knows a lot of people in the industry so one of his friends there at the Columbus zoo let us go into the Koala exhibit (inside the cage) and see the Koalas and snap photos it was pretty cool not something the average person gets to do everyday. after that we went over to see the Lorikeets they had an exhibit where you could go into the enclosure with the birds and feed them a kind of sugar water thing. After that we just looked around the zoo and tried to avoid the rain that kept coming and going all day long, but inspite of the rain it was a cool trip to the zoo I hadn't been to the zoo in years so it was fun. After the Zoo we went back to Grandpa's for dinner, but everyone was a little bit on the crabby side (sorry) ,but we all got some food and Panera and everyone calmed down a bit. After hanging out at Grandpa's a bit more we went back to the hotel and packed for our trip home and said good bye to Barb, Bill and Naja. We got up at the ButtCrack of Dawn to get ready and leave for the Airport as I said the security wasn't bad there was kind of a line, but it didn't take to long to get through it though. Now I'm home and I am so happy to be on solid ground! I don't think I'll be flying for a while now until things calm down a bit with the Airports and all. Now that I'm home it's time to get back on the job search wish me luck!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Off to Ohio

Off to Ohio for a long weekend starting tommorow. I'm excited to see everyone kind of a mini family reunion mini since everyone won't be there, but a lot will. other than this not a heck of a lot going on with me I'm still plugging away at the job search and I'm working on a potential side business a little bit. My friend Jenny came over yesterday with her cute baby so that was fun . other than this not a lot going on. I'll be sure to post more when I get back from my trip.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

In answer to your Question

No I do not have a job yet, but yes I am looking, No I don't have any leads yet on any potential jobs, but i'm working on it. does this answer everyones questions about my job search when I get a job I will be sure to post about it on here. (no one on here asked me about this), but plenty of people in my everyday life have asked me about it so I thought I would post to clarify.

Don't buy from China!!!

Don't buy stuff from China they have very cruel and inhumane answers to health scare issues an outbreak of Rabies led to the government brutally killing 50,000 dogs they went around making noise to wake dogs in peoples house and make them bark and then they killed them here is a link to the article click here one of the most horrible things I've ever heard!!!