Friday, September 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Chloe

Happy Birthday Chloe she is 5 Years Old Today!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Ok what's the deal I've been on about a million Interviews in the last Month and Nothing I don't quite understand what I'm doing wrong. you'd think out of all these places I'm inteviewing I would get atleast one "decent" job offer, but no I went on an interview yesterday with a bank for a call center job and it was the stupidest inteview I've ever been on they had me do a sales pitch for a pen I guess to see how well I sell things didn't really think it was a sales job, but I guess it was I wasn't expecting to have to do a sales pitch so I was a little thrown off by that and didn't do very well so that interview was a bust. beside the snooty lady I interviewed with said she would let me know today (thursday) and I heard nothing so whatever. the other company that was doing a background check on me I haven't heard anything from them since Monday and I'm starting to think I'm not gonna. It's so frustrating I need a frickin job I never in a million years would have thought I'd be unemployed this long. well I may have to go get some crappy retail job again if I don't hear something soon. I guess that's all I'm qualified for or something (AHHHH!) The other company that said they would call me for a second interview I never heard from them either. maybe I need to go to an interview training class or something it's funny in the past I've been lucky (er unlucky whichever way you look at it) Before this I think there were only 3 interviews that I had been on since I was 16 years old that I didn't get the job all the other ones I did. Argh!!!!! I hope there are some good jobs in the paper this weekend. I'll keep ya posted.

Friday, September 22, 2006


so I've been going on a bunch of interviews lately and I don't know what to think of any of them. I hate interviews especially the stupid questions! What are your Weaknesses? Well my Weaknesses are that I don't like to work and I have to to have money. err maybe that's not a good answer could be the reason I don't have a job yet ;) only kidding of course. I've interviewed with I think 4 different companies I went on 2 interviews for the first company in the same day and actually could have had that job except for the fact that it was a parttime cart pusher at a wholesale store (not the job I applied for) so that was a bust. I had one interview with the second company and got a rejection e-mail today that was at a telecommunication company guess I didn't make a very good impression. Then with the 3rd company I've had 3 interviews on 2 different days and they are doing a background check on me now so I guess that's a good sign. I Interviewed with the 4th company yesterday and I think it went ok the lady said they would call me next week to set up a second interview. and I have a phone interview on Monday. so hopefully with all this interviewing I will hear something before my unemployment runs out yikes!. besides all this I'm still going to school and last week I did crappy cause I wasn't into it I think cause of Babe you know having that happen to Babe and happen so suddenly kinda makes you realize just how fragile life is one day you can be here and the next day gone true for people and animals. so you gotta learn how to appreciate life and the people and animals in your life. granted I'm not an expert on this ,but I'm learning. So yeah this is what's going on with me I'm looking forward to the weekend and taking a break from all these silly interviews ugh.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Babe April 1999- September 12th 2006

Last night I noticed Babe was breathing really heavy and she wasn't eating. This morning she was even worse she could barely move so I took her over to the vet and they did an X-Ray to see what was wrong and what they found was an enlarged Kidney and fluid in her lungs and on her abdomen. The vet said the kindess thing to do for her was to put her to sleep. so with a very heavy heart I agreed to have it done. Babe wasn't always the sweetest cat, but I know she loved me and I loved her. she will be sadly missed. Rest in Peace Sweet Babe. I'll never forget you!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Interviews Finally

Well I finally had some interviews this week 2 of them. they both went pretty good I think. The first one wasn't what I thought it was so I don't actually want that job it's part time and I applied for full time and the position it's self was not what I applied for I thought I was applying for administrative work and it turned out to be unloading trucks and basically a cart pusher ummm.. no don't think I want that job the other one was for a normal job and actually sounds like a good opportunity I hope I get it!!! well other than this I don't really have a lot going schools going pretty good. I went to the Rennaisance festival today and it was OK not really worth the trip this year I've been there in the past and thought it was fun. this year I didn't even see any fun things I wanted to buy in the past I'd atleast seen that, but not this year plus it was kinda cold today so I suppose that didn't help. oh well though it was something to do I guess.