Tuesday, November 27, 2012


To live with Intention to let my creative juices flow

Thursday, September 06, 2012

A New Chapter

I'm excited to announce I've taken on a new job within my company it's going to be more money and a more enjoyable job overall. lets just say my current department is a little oppressive or at least they are micro managers to the extreme I know people in the new area and they say it's not like that so here's hoping! Regardless I feel like this is a really good move for me the experience this will bring to my resume and stress this will relieve will be well worth it. so starting September 24th my new experience will begin! I feel like a new chapter not just work wise ,but in my life in general is starting I'm finally getting a handle on my debt and am really looking to the future! so YAY for new chapters!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012


So I spent the evening Decluttering my "Digital" life I got rid or a bunch of friends on Facebook deleted 150 subscriptions from youtube and got rid of a bunch of people I was following on Twitter I realized how much digital clutter I had a lot of things I didn't really care about that got in the way of things I actually wanted to see. I've decided to declutter my life and that's going to mean more then just getting rid of junk which I will be doing also. It's over due!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Mackenzie is here

Since I've been such a bad blogger I neglected to post about the arrival of my newest niece so needing to mark the occasion presenting Mackenzie Ava Leen
She was born August 4th 2012 Welcome to the world little one!

Minnesota State Fair 2012

spent some time at the great Minnesota Get together the Minnesota State Fair! I love the fair so much. I should say I both Love and Hate the fair. I love the fair itself, but I hate the crowds, but the fun of the fair supersedes my hatred of crowds lol.
    Today was my second time at the fair  I spent some time there on Friday volunteering for Caringbridge.org at their booth Caringbridge is an amazing site that people suffering from illness/injuries it's a site they and their family members can use to keep up to date on the persons status. anyway it's great go check out their website.
     So Friday I did walk around a little bit and ended up getting a free bucket! from Home Depot kind of silly yes, but it's a really nice bucket that I intend to use for my fish tank cleaning needs (no pic of the bucket lol) Ever since I was a little kid I've always wanted to see how much free (crap) stuff I could get I'm not quite as ambitious about it as I used to be, but it's still fun to get stuff I mean who doesn't like free stuff. I'm just a little more picky now about the stuff I'll actually take home cause most of it was junk that was never used, but anyway I wanted to share a picture of my hall from this year from the two days at the fair.

As you can see I got a cook book (ok cook book wasn't really free it was for renewing my sams club membership ,but it was a fair special wouldn't have got that at the store and I was planning to renew anyway so anyway  a good deal regardless) I also got a yard stick which you know might come in handy some tooth paste which I will use a back scratcher some post its some greeting cards A hat (free from Ford for owning a ford) I don't own a ford, but my Dad who was with does and it was to small for his head. lets see what else a gripper/coaster from whole food I think that's about it maybe a couple things not picture which included a free 5 hour energy drink and a water bottle so anyway that's my junk er I mean good quality stuff I got free at the fair this year. I'm still going one more time with a friend so who knows what I'll find ;) next time.
  Wait did I have a point to this post umm no not really just wanted to post about my free junk I had a really fun day at the fair today with my family ate way to much delicious fair food and finished off the evening stopping at White Castle! (I know kind of odd after the fair, but it was the first day it was opened had to go lol)
  Until next time reader~

Friday, August 17, 2012


I did not complete my 12 week program mostly because I'm lazy oh and also was working10 hour days at work which made me tired and I was taking Yoga and Zumba classes it was just to time consuming I may go back to it, but not now

Monday, April 09, 2012

Day 1 XTrainFit

Started this new 90 day program today that I found on Amazon Did all my measurements and did the first day of cardio I bought this a few weeks ago,but had been debating as to when to start it I decided that today is April 9th 3 months today is July 9th which coincidentally is my birthday so I decided to start it today! also I had to just realize I may not be able to always control my work schedule so I'm just going to have to make it work so that's what I did I take a Yoga Class on Mondays so I work OT until 5PM went to Yoga at 6PM came home fed my animals and myself. then took all my measurements for the comparison later and by the time I was ready to do the workout it was 9:40PM oh well I did it anyway even though I wanted to go to bed lol got to make it work so I did and I even did this blog post afterwards lol oh well time for bed now more on this program later.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Phoenix's Story

Such a moving story


Sunday, March 25, 2012

20lb Dumbbells!

Yep that's right went out and bought 15lb and 20lb dumbbells today I was supposed to get 25lb also, but I figured those could wait a bit my new work out program requires these things it also requires 5lb and 10lb weights, but luckily I already had those. So I haven't started my new work out, but now that I've invested the money in the weights (on my credit card yikes!) Ok I'll pay it off on Friday lol. Anyway now that I've invested the money I need to follow through if all goes well in approximately 12 weeks I will be looking buff! or at least buffer than I do now. I'm currently reading through the lengthy guide for the program and plan to actually start one night this week after work... Here We Go!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Lola and Her Duck

This Dog loves her yellow duck so much!

I walked into my room tonight to see this and it was just so cute the way she had her paw on her duck that I had to take a picture. This Duck is the only toy she will play with I even tried buying the identical toy and nope she won't touch it only this toy will do Awe

Thursday, March 22, 2012

half a sleep Blogging

Always a good idea to Blog when you are half a sleep right that explains last nights blog I was feeling so motivated and have recently discovered what I think is an awesome business idea. I suggested the idea to a friend as a potential business she was not at all interested which is fine, but I'm still psyched about it and now I just have to figure out how I am going to do it I don't want to say what it is here cause I don't want to give my idea away, but if I can get it going then I think it could be something really awesome. I also just bought a exercise program called XTrainFit it's a 12 week program and I intend to follow through trick is now to plan when to start!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Motivation has struck of course it's 11pm and I need to sleep, but regardless felt the need for at least a quick post. I was just thinking about stuff people have said to me in the past that I've taken to heart and they've been mostly negative comments I'm not sure why I do that I guess we all do that to an extent. I just realized or rather had an epiphany that hey shit people have said is just their opinion and not fact! I didn't even realize how much I let stuff like that affect me until I really thought about it. Anyway I'm rambling. My motivations have been about getting out of debt having a legit plan of attack, getting into shape, starting a business an using my creative side more so anyway since I have all this motivation I'll probably be blogging more Yay!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Someone Went Shopping Today!

Yep Me of course and I made out like a bandit I got so much stuff, but at really good prices a spring revitalization of my wardrobe.

I am so happy with my purchases and I look forward to wearing my new clothes :)