Thursday, October 08, 2009


Haven't had a post in awhile so here's a pic of the new niece Madison Grace Leen she was born on August 31st 8:28PM

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tornado 8-19-09

Ok so I'm a couple days late, but I felt the need to blog about my tornado experience it was an F0 tornado, but still very scary, but here's my account. I was sitting at my desk just working away when the lights flickered for a second and I said "hmm that's not good" then all of the sudden still typing away working I notice what I thought were birds flying erratically outside the "HUGE GLASS WINDOWS!" I was sitting 5 feet away from then I realized that those aren't birds they're tree branches and leaves. people went to the window to look it got real dark and we could no longer see downtown and the trees were spinning (as if it were a tornado!) my ears popped and people were saying get away from the window I grabbed my purse (which in hindsight I obviously shouldn't have worried about) at the same time my ears popped the windows pulsated in and out a few times and it was loud, but before anyone could really go anywhere it was past us it was so fast. it blew out some windows in the skywalks to the adjoining buildings and cars and trees where damaged and unfortunately a bunch of houses in the neighborhood to. I heard after that people on the other side of my floor saw a car bumper fly by (5 stories up) and bang into the windows fortunately didn't break it though I guess people screamed when that happened, but I didn't hear them from where I was. the funniest part if there is a funny part is that about 20 minutes after the tornado past they came over the loud speaker and said "Severe weather has been spotted in the are please seek shelter" Um Duh!! so they made us go to a windowless conference room and we stayed there for about 20 minutes before getting the all clear. nothing happened in those 20 minutes fortunately I'm very glad that this tornado was only an F0 I can only imagine how much more damage it would have done at a higher grade considering it was completely out of the blue and all the people and buildings and trees in that area. below is a pic of an uprooted tree I snapped in my car(which was in the parking garage and fortunately was AOK after the storm) on my way home that afternoon. my second tornado sighting in my life 2 in 28 years I think that's took my hours afterwards to calm myself down my heart was racing and my hands shook for at least the rest of the work day. well anyway I have some more positive things to post about an I'll do that again soon.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Post???

well I guess I should post problem is I usually think of something great to blog about when I'm far away from my computer oh well. I guess a good post will be we had Paula's baby shower On Saturday the 18th here's some pics.

it was a good baby shower I made the baby a quilt

Also this last weekend went to see David Cook in Concert with Jenny and her Mom and my Mom at Mystic lake. fun concert and Mom and I stayed overnight it was fun Mom had some good luck on the slots I did ok. and we had room service on Saturday morning it was yummy. fun little mini vacation.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Time off

Well I've had some nice time off the last 6 days, but all good things must come to an end or so they say. I made a quilt in my time off cleaned a little, went to the Mall of America one time saw a movie and just hung out and slept in and it's a bummer when it has to come to an end.time to go back to work. Ironically I just read an article about why getting a job is stupid. lol it's about starting your own business and having money work for you instead of you working for money. and man that would be awesome I'm determined to figure out how to do this. in the mean time I guess I'm stuck working. sigh oh well such is life I guess. oh and also it's Lola's Birthday today she is 6. Happy Birthday little Lola.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Toll Roads

Ok I was in California back in May driving around oblivious to any Toll Roads I'm used to the Toll roads in Illinois where you literally have to drive through a toll and throw your change in. never once did I see anything like this when I was out in California and I drove all over Southern California, but yesterday I get a bill for non paid Tolls for over $100 WHAT???? as I said I never noticed any toll roads while I was out there, but apparently I was on one for over an hour and didn't notice no one in my party noticed either. how do they have those stupid things marked because as far as I knew I was obeying all traffic laws I was sure to not talk on my cell phone while driving out there because I knew it was illegal, but I never saw anything about Toll Roads or had heard anything about Toll Roads. what a ridiculous and scammy system they have out there no wonder California is going broke they are a bunch of idiots and scammers. Thank God I don't live in California and I don't think I'll be rushing back there for a visit any time soon what a croc. I'm so annoyed. worst part is I know the girls I went with aren't going to volunteer to help pay this bill either it's not in their name the stupid rental car was in my name just great. it was like pulling teeth just getting them to help pay for the rental car that drove them around everywhere I asked one of them for her portion of the rental car bill and she looked at me like I was nuts asking her something so ridiculous how dare I ask her to help pay for her transportation. argh anyway now I'm just rambling, but argh. I hate California Toll Roads what a croc of shit!!!

Late night post

went to see 2 movies today Land of the Lost and the Hangover. the Hangover was the better of the 2. I'm going to do a review of both movies in my new movie blog. I see a lot of movies so I figured maybe I should start a blog of movie reviews I'm no professional or maybe not even that articulate when I write, but eh it's something to do. I've changed my going across the pond blog into a regular travel blog it doesn't have anything new on it yet, but atleast I have a plan for it now. I figure I can have a few blogs and try to get some adsense maybe. my goal this year is to find ways to make some extra income outside my job to help me pay off bills and ultimately help me get the house I want to buy. well not a lot else to add at this moment so I'll wrap this up

Sunday, May 10, 2009

2 posts in the Same Day? Yep

well I had a crazy weekend spent Friday Night going to see Star Trek the new movie

it was pretty good I'm not a huge Trekkie or anything, but I enjoyed it. it was entertaining. Sat I worked so that stunk, but after work I went to see Legally Blonde with my Mom. and it was a really fun show I'll have the songs in my head for a week I'm sure.
. Sunday went over to my Bros house for a Mothers day brunch
Here's the Mommy to be Paula

after Matt and Paula's we took the dogs to Dog Day at with the Saint Paul saints I thought it was pretty fun to see all the people and their dogs my Mom didn't agree she was to cold. also turns out the dogs aren't exactly baseball fans. hmm who knew.

How was the Trip?

Answer it was a lot of fun. we did so many things we started the trip for one night in LA Jenny, her daughter Katelyn and I stayed at a hotel by the Airport met up with my Mom who was there moving my sister. later that day we went to the Airport and picked up the Olson sisters Trisha and Alisha. then we all headed down to San Diego while there we went to the San Diego zoo and Mission Beach, but we were only there for 2 days on Monday we headed back to LA we went right down to Hollywood to go on a Celebrity homes tours which was pretty fun, but the funnest part was before we went on the tour they were setting up for something at the Chinese Man Theater it turns out it was the premiere of Ghosts of Girlfriends past so as soon as the tour was over we went and stood behind the barriers to wait for all the stars to show up.

it was such a fun experience for those of us not in LA or NY something that may only happen once in a lifetime (hopefully not cause next time I go to LA I'm totally going to scope out premieres lol) the rest of the time in LA was fun to we went to Universal studios.

here we are with Scooby and Shaggy. we went Whale watching which turned out to be kind of a mistake because I got a bit sea sick and actually puked over the side of the boat. um yeah gross and embarrassing , but oh well shit happens right. oh and we didn't even see any whales!! We did get to see Sea Lions and Dolphins though so that was good. On Thursday we went to Disneyland which is fun, but sort of wish we had had a better game plan because we missed a lot of stuff they closed at 8PM which is weird if you ask me.

Katelyn just loved anyone in the costume it was cute. our trip wrapped up with a Trip to Malibu

. we also went to Newport Beach while we were there.

and Hollywood

So overall very fun trip.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

In sunny California blogging from my iPod it,a 6am here but I can't sleep cause my body tells me it's 8am still we're having fun though. We haven't done much yet, but we did see the inside of a target and a walmart never seen one of those befor we ate at Jack in the box which was just ok nothing to write home about except oops that's what I'm doing now oh well. Today we are going to go to the San Diego zoo so that should be fun. Then we are going to go find some shops or something. Should be a good day

Friday, April 17, 2009


this has been both the longest week and the shortest week dumb work stuff nothing major just knit picky stuff rules and regulations that I don't necessarily agree with, but whatever. plus I have new responsibilities at work that I haven't quite learned fully yet and it's stressing me out a bit taxes and setting up escrow accounts fun stuff I tell ya er or something like that, but it does make the day go faster when I do that. My Job is not bad I'm thankful I have a job and my company is a good company to work for, but some day I'm going to start my own business now the trick is to figure out what that business is and how to go about doing it I figure start small and work my way up, but some way some how I will truly live my life on my own terms. I'm going out of town next week for a week and will be away for about 8 days I'm so psyched to get out of dodge I just hope my travel companions are on their best behavior. as long as they are then it will be a good trip. that's gonna be good. I'm sitting at home on Friday being lazy I'm really tired, but I did want to go see a movie, but none of my lame ass friends (j/k friends) wanted to go with me maybe tomorrow they will...oh a totally off subject note here tonight I saw about 4 mallard docks waddle right by my house as I was sitting on the patio it was pretty cool to see I was even able to snap some pics with my cybershot camera here's a pic

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well still not really a lot to say just living life going to work coming home from work.. guess I should be grateful I have a job and I am it's just no my dream job, but I guess who has that, but oh well such is life. I've been trying to plan a trip to California which was planned now some revisions are being made, but hopefully it will still be a good trip still waiting to win the lottery really hoping that's gonna happen sometime soon ;) I've also been reading a lot more I've gotten through 6 books since last November which for me is a lot normally it's one per year if I'm lucky lol, but my goal this year is to read every book on my shelf that I haven't already read and then I'm going to get an Amazon Kindle so looking forward to that. well I'm gonna wrap up the entry about nothing. until next time my readerless blog

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

100th Post

Well it's my 100th post so some big news for the family. Matt and Paula are having a baby and they made the announcement to us on Sunday it was so cute how they did it they gave my Mom and Dad a gift bag with a onesie in them one said Grandma's Doll and the other said Grandpas my Hero here's the pics from the big announcement.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blogging is lame

well not really I just never seem to have anything that interesting to say well this year I'm trying to have a new lease on life a take charge kind of attitude maybe as I start doing some more interesting things I will update my blog more or maybe I won't I guess only time will tell