Monday, July 14, 2008

Back from Florida

Well just flew back from Florida and boy are my arms tired. hardy har har.. actually I got back yesterday. Mom and I went there to get away for a few days starting on my birthday July 9th-July 13th. It was a great trip the first day we didn't to a lot cause we were tired from getting up at 4AM and flying there we went out to dinner at a place called th Boston Lobster house (or something like that) The next day we went to Universal studios all day and it was lots of fun from the cute ET ride to the to much for Mom Mummy ride it was fun.

We went to see the BlueMan group at Universal Studios and let me tell you that is a crazy show it's like nothing I've ever seen before, but it was great definitely go see it if you get the chance in Vegas or wherever. After the show we went and ate at Bubba Gumps we have that here to in MN, but thier Coconut shrimp is delicious so had to go there. The next day in Florida we went to The Beach YAY it was awesome it was a beach called Caledesi island it was literally an island we went to a place in clearwater Florida called Honey Moon Beach State Park from there we took a ferry out to the island on the way out we saw Dolphins in the water and the boat stopped so everyone could get a look so that was great here's a video kinda shaky, but cool to see

The beach itself was just gorgeous white sandy beaches and tons of shells to pick from

Also while we were there Dolphins were jumping out of the water just beyond the barriers and everyone on the beach stopped to watch it was definitely awesome to see wild dolphins. The next day we saw dolphins again only this time they were at Sea World

SeaWorld was great it's very neat to see all the animals from seal ions and Dolphins to Shamu it's great

It was an awesome trip overall I got a sun tan and some relaxation Florida is definitely a good place to visit. Next time I go though I think I'm gonna go back to the Florida Keys just because I haven't been there before. next up a trip to Kentucky for the big family reunion down at Uncle Jeffs house in September!!

1 comment:

Red Rover said...

I wanna go back!