Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Back From Ohio

Happy Birthday Elvis 14 today. He's getting to be an old kitty

Just got back from Ohio Last night I'm so glad to be home it was nice seeing everyone, but it's nice to be home to much driving and running around. I didn't take to many pictures, but I did get one that my Cousin Emily says is a ghost I'm not so sure you decide.

We took like 5 pictures of the fireplace and they all have a wierd shape in the third pane it doesn't look like that to the naked eye, but you know it could be just that the glass is different in that third pane. the reason we took the pictures was because Emily and I were sitting alone in Grandma and Grandpa's house late at night on Saturday and we were talking about how wierd it was being there when no one else was there and that it was so quiet. We were like I'm glad we haven't heard any wierd noises or anything. and at that exact Moment we heard like a sudden tapping or something coming from the corner by the fireplace kinda freaked us out. so I got out my Camera and took a picture of the corner and something looked wierd about the fireplace everything was in focus except the fireplace so Emily took pictures of the fireplace and this is what came out. so I don't know I'm not completely convinced on this one, but could be.
Besides ghosts and car rides we went through the house and took things of senitmental value and packed them into the car. and now I'm home I fell asleep the minute I hit the pillow last night I intended to watch Leno for a few minutes, but the next thing I knew It was 7:00AM and the TV was on and I was still wearing my glasses. so I was tired. well this is all that's new with me back to Job Hunting today. Yippee.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

This is what went on when I was at work

These are pictures I took from my bedroom on 2 different days this week. So this is what goes on when I'm at work!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Vicious Dogs

Today Chloe Turned on Lola and they had a horrible fight!!!!! J/K they were just playing they are so funny.

Not much is going on with me right now I'm still job hunting fun fun. I'm glad American Idol is on Tonight we get to see who the 2 finalists are. I thought for sure it would have been Chris atleast in the top 2, but no he got voted off. Now I hope the final two are Taylor and Elliot with Taylor winning the whole thing. I guess we'll see tonight who goes home.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Pretty Tree

Bored and Bored! Soaps are really lame I used to like watching them, but now they're just lame!! The job search continues I've applied to a handful, but nothing looks that exciting I have to look at the sunday paper still maybe there will be something interesting in there.

This photo is one I took outside my grandpa's Retirement center. Pictures always make these blogs more interesting.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Random Picture for the Day. This is Lola Ain't she cute! :)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Job Seeking Sucks

Well my first full week of Unemployment is almost done and it's gone by fast. Monday I went to the mall (didn't spend any money though) with my friend and her 2 week old baby and then Tuesday I met up with another friend and we went for a walk with my dogs since it was her day off and on Wednesday I met up with a "former" coworker for Lunch. it's amazing you loose your job and suddenly friends come around that's a good thing oh and last friday I went to see a movie with my friend Trisha. so since I've been running around so much I haven't done a ton of job hunting i've updated my resume on a few sites and put in my resume at like 2 places and with 2 temp agencies I haven't heard anything from any of them yet (if it weren't for the money thing I wouldn't be in a rush to get back to work). Next week I'm gonna have to get serious about my job hunt and I'm not looking forward to it. I've looked at jobs every day and am not finding anything that jumps out at me. I guess beggers can't be chooser. so hopefully I can find a halfway decent job before to long here. wish me luck!

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Well Today was an interesting day at Work I worked my Ass off to get stuff done for my boss that he kept giving me to do all week. come to find out at 5:00PM that I'm being let go because our Region went under restructuring and I guess I was the easy one to loose or something. God Dammit Frickin Ass Hole! my boss is such an Ass. he knew all week ,but he waits until 5 on Friday to tell me what a jerk!!!! I wouldn't have done all that work for him if I had known. Argh!!! I don't really feel like talking about it to much right now ,but I just wanted to put a little post up about it. so starting Monday the job search is on Big Time. To look on the bright side atleast now I'll be able to catch up on my soaps (she sobs quietly) j/k, but seriously I'm pissed, but yeah anyway that's that and I guess that's life. Man Some Times Life just stinks!!!