Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 117-Lola's favorite past time

That would be barking at people she sees from the window

Day 116-Tabby

Day 115 another video

Day 114-Birds

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 110- Kids Bday party

today I went to see Madison and then later went to Katelyns 4th bday party

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Day 109-Saturday

for some reason a helicopter was flying over a field by my house this morning

Day 108-Friday

Chloes Shirt for the walk

Day 107- Thursday

Day 106-Wednesday

Dau 105-Tuesday

Day 104-Monday

running behind on these I'm gonna catch up now. some of the pics are old, but hey they're still pics

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Animal Humane Society:

Animal Humane Society:

No one really reads this blog i'm sure, but I'm going to keep pushing now that I'm so close to $250 I want to shoot for $500 and really help the animals every little bit helps!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Animal Humane Society:

Animal Humane Society:

I've made it to $200 with the help of some generous people. Ruth and Jason, Matt, Paula and Madison and Trisha. now that I've made it to $200 this make me think I could maybe get to $500.00 help if you can every little bit helps

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 103-Chloe

Day 102-Duck Duck

This is my coworkers Idea of a Joke they kidnapped the duck and have been sending ransom notes to the duck owner

Day 101

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Day 100- Video

so 100th post for picture a day well I couldn't think of anything extremely different so instead here's a video of Maddie!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Day 99-Inspirational flower

This little tiny flower against all odds grew from the rocks in April in Minnesota now that's some flower. We could use this as a metaphor when life throws you rocks just work your way through them and blossom.. lol ok that's a bit hokey, but anyways.....I'm working a short week at work, but it feels like it's taking forever people are getting raises around me, but not me.. ever feel like you are hitting a brick wall. I think that may be where I'm at with this job I keep ramming into the wall hoping I'm going to break through, but it's just so god dam thick maybe it's time for me to move on..hmmm. something for me to think about anyways tomorrows the 100th picture I'm going to have to find something cool for it.. what will it be what will it be?

Day 98

again from Saturday here's Maddie and her Bunny from Grandma and Grandpa W

Day 97-Tabby

Took this last Saturday but it's funny so I'll post it here

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Day 96- Happy Easter

this is how I spent my Easter washing the dog lol well actually went out to brunch with my parents and then we went to see How to train your dragon which was actually a cute movie.

Saturday, April 03, 2010


here's a pic of how the area around here looked last night after something exploded assuming it's a transformer or something like that there was a big explosion noise and everything with in sight went dark this was about 10:45PM lights came back on a little after 12.. crazy things happening around here the other night about 10 fire trucks drove by about 3 in the morning I found out later it was a house fire fortunately no one was hurt, but a house was destroyed and two other ones damaged.

Day 95- Springtime

when the patio furniture comes out you know it's springtime!

Day 94- Jenny's Kid

she didn't want to smile

Day 93-Happy Birthday Jenny

Went out for Jenny's Bday she's the big 28 as of Thursday

Day 92- No Snow

Look Look no snow!!! it's been so nice here lately 50's, 60's even some 70's Love it Love it