Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 52- Current state of cards

I've been trying to get out of debt for a really long time, but never has it been more apparent how necessary that is then tonight I went to pay my chase card online and part of the new credit card laws they need to tell you how long it will take to pay off your cards paying the minimum balance this particular card has a balance I'm embarrassed to admit nearly $2K I haven't used it in a long time, but the debt is still there and the interest rate is super high cause chase is evil well it's bad, but really probably not a lot different then other cards it said at the current rate paying minimum due I will pay off the card in 255 months!!!! 255!!!! and pay rought $4,000.00 OMG I knew that it was bad to pay the minimum and that it would take a long time to payoff, but really I had no idea it would take that long or be quite that much interest that's paying more then double in interest. this is my highest card. Well this inspired me to do my picture of the day I was going to take a picture of me hyperventilating into a paper bag lol, but couldn't find one so instead I took out my scissors and cut up all my cards current cards, expired everything.

1 comment:

NorCalMrs said...

Good job!! Credit cards really are evil. We keep 2, and only use 1 of them. We only use it if we have the cash to pay if off. It took us a long long time to get here (slowly paying them off), but once you get them paid off, you'll feel so much better! Keep up the good work!