Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 30- Iggy

This is Iggy or maybe it's Squiggy I'm not really sure, but here's one of my two new rubber lip plecos they only get a max of 5 inches the last regular plecos I had got to 8 inches they can get up to 24inches so I had to find them a new home they are now living happily in a 50 gallon aquarium belonging to a former coworkers father in law. these 2 have done a really good job cleaning up my tank no more algae problem Yay

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 29 -Orbit white

another random object in my house

Day 28- Garfield

well running out of things to take a picture of so here's a picture of Garfield

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 27- Hat Boxes

Here's a picture of my hat boxes just because it was either this or the dog today :)

Day 26- New Shelf

Ok so turns out taking a picture a day and keeping things interesting is difficult so here's a picture of my new shelf it's not quite filled yet

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 25- More Closet

Yes I know these pics are very exciting, but I'm going to go with the closet theme again here's my progression now still got a ways to go

Day 24- Lola has a License

Found this card with all my junk as I was cleaning out under my bed I bought this when I was a teenager but just found it again and it's oh so appropriate for Lola

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 23- Organization continues

Well here's a truly empty picture of my closet yesterday the pic showed all the crap in the top of the closet now it's truly empty. I'm reorganizing my space and all the things that go in that space part of my motto for this year clean up my life financially, physically (ie clean out my closet and also get in better shape) and some other things I have the feeling that this is going to be a very good year for me and big changes are going to happen I'm not quite sure yet what those changes are or how they are going to come into fruition, but I just have a feeling so here's hoping!!

Day 22- Empty closet

Well as I said before I'm cleaning out my closet what do you think? who needs hanging close anyway lol. I brought it all out so I can organize it as it goes back in. this week at work for someone reason has been the longest week in a long time and I don't even know why nothing unusual has happened just work and more work and ...yeah you get the picture wish I could just win the lottery sometimes that'd be nice ;) here's hoping! hey I'm on Day 22 and I've been keeping up on my picture a day that's more than I can say for a certain sister who I copied this bit from ;)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 21- Lola

There may be a lot of pics of Lola on here over the next 12 months she's my little shadow my Baby Dog. again not a lot today just went to work and did some more organizing of my closet. I also heard back from one of my Adopted soldiers so that's exciting.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 20- boring

well lets just call today uninspired I didn't take a picture really of anything so I thought what I have I been doing all night that's right watching tv except I haven't been sitting all night I've been working on organizing the crap in my closet, but that's a scary place so I didn't want to take a picture of that so here's my TV I was watching the news. I was watching American idol earlier so I should have snapped a pic of that oh well. oh and side note I've already surpassed my total posts from 2009 and it's not even february yet :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19- Pretty Trees

one perk of living in the northern tundra and dealing with all the snow is that sometimes you get pretty pictures like this

Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 18-Chloe

here's Chloe. apparently today while I was at work Chloe was was walking on the hardened snow and then went to jump down to the sidewalk and she fell on her head. she seems to be ok, but you can tell she's not feeling 100% I'm sure that gave her a headache atleast.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17- Dad

Well here's my Dad decked out in all his vikings gear I picked this picture for today cause the Vikings won! Yay Vikes. Not that I'm a huge football fan, but it's always nice when the home town team wins go Vikes!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16-Maddie

Got to go see Maddie today cute as ever it'd been about 3 weeks since I'd seen her last she changes so much everytime I see her.

Day 15-Lovely Bones

I'm currently reading this book and I went to see the movie last night. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the book now I know how it ends, but oh well the parts of the book I have read are more indepth than the movie so I'm sure it will still be good.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 14- hmmm

hmm well I guess all the pictures can't be exciting if I'm taking one each day. so I thought since the pic of the Styrofoam cup the other day was so fascinating why not take a picture of my glass of water um yeah. not a lot going on I'm organizing my room trying to get the Lovely Bones read so I can go see the movie other then that I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday I'm so ready for the weekend.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day 13: YAY

Woo!!! Yay it finally arrived!! my new computer Yay Yay Yay I'm so excited

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 12: Thanks Fedex

So my question is why does fedex try to deliver packages that need to be signed for in the middle of the day I realize some people are home in the middle of the day, but most aren't come on deliver packages that need to be signed for at night come on!. I was watching the progress on and I saw that it was out for delivery knowing I wouldn't be there to sign they attempted to deliver at 1:15PM no big deal I thought hey I can just go pick it up at the fedex location tonight nope it's not express it was sent ground so this means no pick up so I call fedex before I knew this and ask if they can hold the package so I can pick it up tonight. nope can't do it. The girl says the driver will try to deliver it again tomorrow. so I say you mean tomorrow at about the same time as today when no one is home. yep. then she says well we can "maybe" see if they can hold it for tomorrow or try to deliver it at a more convient time for you. so I ask her realizing it's probably a long shot, but worth a shot I say is there anyway the driver can try again tonight? you would have thought I was speaking Japanese because the girl just paused and didn't say anything for a few moments and then she repeated the original options. I was annoyed so I said ok well I'm going to have to call back later. so I waited until I got home and then called again when I got home got a different girl ask her my options and she says well we can maybe see if they can deliver it later tomorrow. "maybe" she says well I can send a message to the driver that you want it delivered tomorrow or thursday after five. I say we'll i'd prefer tomorrow please then she says you can put a note outside for the driver to tell him you'd like it delivered after five. seriously like a post it hey driver can you please turn around go back to your truck and come back after 5PM? hmm I guess. arghhh! how annoying how hard is it to just get a stupid package. sorry just needed to vent for a minute there.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11

Actually took this picture yesterday, but this is a once in a lifetime kind of pic of Elvis and Lola they are actually relaxed sittling inches from each other without Lola biting Elvis in the face.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 10

Ok so not a lot went on today went to the grocery store, wrote my soldiers a letter (I adopted 2) and then hung around and accidentally watched this.

don't make that mistake it's not a good movie it never came to U.S. theaters and I can see why! Story was just dull and totally unbelievable acting was bad (not that romantic comedies are exactly believable in the first place, but you know what I mean)so anyway since not a lot went on today my pic of the day is of the Dvd I got from Redbox which will be going back ASAP I refuse to spend more than the $1.07 I spent to rent this movie today ;)

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Adopt a Soldier

There's a really cool program right now where you can "Adopt" a soldier to send letters to and possibly care packages visit this website and join the program if you're so inclined (if anyone is reading this anymore)There is a great need right now for Volunteers for this program it's just nice for them to know someone back home cares

Click Here
To Adopt a Soldier or learn more

Lets just say Day 9

Yum a Malt from Smash Burger.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Day 8 (ok day 2)

So Today went to work had to say goodbye to a coworker who was retiring. she's a cool lady and will definitely be missed, but congrats to her on her well deserved free time after work didn't really do a whole lot just sat around played on the computer Watched dateline and now here I am on the computer again and here's my pic of the day.

Lola sleeping under the covers as she often does

Thursday, January 07, 2010


so I'm totally copying my sister on this one, but I'm going to do the 365 which is post a picture a day I'm a little behind so I'll post 7 pictures :) 2010 is going to be a great year

Sums up the weather gotta wear the warm boots in below zeros (plus the brown ones are new)

My Favorite game of the moment.

Doggie Pee Yard (yep they need a place to do thier business since the snows so high)

Elvis and a mohawk he stuck his head in a glass of water I just helped him form the mohawk

Madison at Christmas (not from 2010, but from just a couple days before)

Chloe with Brown eyes (as opposed to red) my new flash works great

Lola looking out at the snow thinking Why do I live here I should live in a warmer climate.