Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I may be nutty about my animals sometimes, but the reason I like animals so much are that they are Loyal they're innocent little creatures they don't create drama like people do they are forgiving and loving they don't shit around with you like people do people piss me off on a regular basis. Animals however do not.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kitty Teeth Cleaning

Just went and got Elvis from the Vet today he had to have his teeth cleaned Elvis is a 16 year old cat I normally wouldn't have had it done if it were just a cleaning, but his teeth were deteriorating and I guess he was in a lot of pain so we couldn't let that continue the vet says Elvis is a very Healthy cat especially for his age he sure doesn't act like an old man cat for the most part. he's a good cat a bit of a troublemaker, but overall a sweet kitty. I was the one who picked him out at the pound when he was a kitten and he called to me then he was sickly and small, but I fell in love I even tried to put him back and go look at other kittens, but as I walked away Elvis stuck his paw outside the cage and started yowling loudly. which maybe would scare some people away because he was loud and obnoxious he still is, but I love him anyway how could you not like Elvis :) here's a picture

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My New Blog

I've started a new blog about Lola's Liver problems just for myself to chronicle what's going on and also maybe to help someone googeling liver problems for their dog in some small way here's the link