Thursday, June 12, 2008


Last night I had a weird dream I actually thought it was kind of funny so I thought I'd share it with the one or two people who read my blog. Last night I dreamt that I needed a part time job (in addition to my regular job), So I got a Part time job at Mrs. Fields cookies. (wait I think I already did that in real life) anyway I got the job and in the dream to I had worked there in high school just like in real life. I have today off of work because I have to work Saturday, but in my dream I had to get up to be to Mrs. Fields today at 8:00AM so I get there and the store is not open the gate is down and no one is there now it's my first day back in over 10 years, but somehow I still have a key so I unlock the gate (it actually doesn't have a gate in real life) I digress I go in and freak out because when you open the store you have to be there 2 hours beforehand to bake all the cookies so I rush to the freezer to get the dough and there are barely any frozen cookies left and only 2 different kinds so I pulled them out and was rushing to get them in the oven. ah, but then I woke up so I don't know what happened next. hmm I wonder what this dream means anyone care to dissect it Lol just kidding.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

something new

ok so I was watching TV! tonight and I saw this add of this little boy playing baseball saying I'm the greatest batter in the world. I'm the greatest batter in the world and he in fact wasn't, but after the third attempt and he didn't make it he stopped and thought for a minute and said I'm the greatest Pitcher in the world and got a big smile on his face then the message came on the screen optimism pass it on. I thought it was kinda cute, kinda odd. it said brought to you by the foundation for a better life. I was curious so I went online and looked it up. and what I found was this website full of all this positive stuff and since this is the direction I've kind of been moving in being more positive and trying to live to the fullest reading the secret listening to louise hayes kinda deal this fit right in and since there message is pass it on. I thought I would since I found this site they have so much positive stuff on there and such good messages for society in whole. as cheesy as it may be check it out maybe I'm in an odd mood or something, but I'm on the positive vibe so here's a link Foundation for a better life