Thursday, September 20, 2007

Am I wrong

Is it wrong to be excited about TV! because I am all my favorite shows start next week so I can officially be a couch potato again! oh no. well I'm going out of town on Wednesday night so I'll be a couch Potato to my TIVO when I get back I guess. I can't wait to see some of my favorite shows including. Heroes, Grey's Anatomy and The office among others. I'll try not to be to much of a couch potato, but for the first couple weeks of the season I guess I will be. Premiere week is the best TV week can't wait.

Ok Enough of my meaningless entertainment besides premiere not a lot else going on I'm going to Virginia next week with My Mom to go to DC and see some family should be fun! oh and I also may have gotten a promotion at work my boss says I probably got it, but she's not sure yet and that was on Monday I haven't heard anything yet. mind you this isn't a grand promotion that will really move me up in the company to much it's just a change of status for the kinds of mortgage calls I can get otherwise my job is absolutely the same, but it comes with a raise!!! that's the part I'm hoping for and it better be good ;)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Finally a Post!

Well it's Been over a month since my last post. so I figured It was time to make a new post A lot has gone on over the last month or so. actually. before my last post I was in California going to wine Country!

although this was a month ago I figured it deserved a mention. the main reason we went there was to Surprise my sister for her big 30! birthday! Does she look surprised to you?

I was there for about 4 days total it was a fun time. 2 days after I got back was the bridge tragedy,but I already did a post about that so I won't rehash that., but now it's August an That means State Fair time!!!one of my very favorite things to do in the summer. I actually ended up going 3 times this year. I don't usually go that often just the opportunity came about 3 times and I didn't have anything else going on so I thought what the heck. Below is a crowd shot from the fair. I don't know that guy walking by he just walked into frame as the photo was snapped.

The fair is always fun so much greasy, but delicious foods good things the fair only once a year or I'd weigh 200lbs :) also another thing I like to do is see how much free crap I can get not papers ,but pens, yard stick, or whatever. well I discovered if you want to do this you have to go early or your SOL I went the first time on the 2nd day and people were handing me bags with stuff in them left and right just for walking by their booth I even got a free screw driver from a tool place a good quality one to I was pretty pleased with my haul. then I went on the Sunday of the first weekend and I got some stuff not quite as much as before, but a fair amount, but I was going to see if I could get another screw driver not because I need it just because I'm greedy ;), but they didn't have them! not a big deal because I already had one., but the last time I went was a week later I walked out of there with not one free thing. it was crazy if that had been my first time there I would have been disappointed. so next year when I go I'm gonna go the first or second day :) anyway also next I think I'm going to limit my fair trips to 2 total 3 might have been over kill not really, but I saw everything already by then. oh well I had fun all three times. in other news not a ton going on work is well work I am hopefully getting a promotion next month. Wow that sounds exciting doesn't it except it's not as much as it sounds now I'm a rep 1 and I'm going to be a rep 2 nothing at all changes about my job except I'll get a raise!! i'M Crossing my fingers. at the end of this month I'm going to be going to Virgina/DC to see some relatives with Mom. The day after I get back I'm going to go see Maroon 5 in concert with my friend Sara. I have floor seats I've never had floor seats at a concert so this will be interesting. In other news I had a crazy dream last night that zombies were loose outside took me a few minutes after I woke to shake the feeling that there weren't really zombies outside lol obviously I knew there weren't, but dreams are weird. anyway the reason I had the weird dream was because I just saw a preview for the movie Resident evil no thanks besides movies made from video games are typically crap anyway. I was there seeing Superbad which by the way I highly recommend it was hilarious! a very realistic portray of high school students brought back memories.

Well I've sure rambled on a lot here I haven't blogged in awhile I guess it was pent up. ;)