Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Back to blogging perhaps?

So it's been a very long time since I've blogged on here almost a year and longer than that since I've posted anything of any significant meaning. I've been on a journey of self discovery lately. I've been feeling kind of lost and looking around at other people and thinking to myself why does everyone else "SEEM" to have it all figured out and here I am struggling to figure out how I'm going to get out of debt and afford to live on my own. Life's about to change drastically and that's OK and that's necessary. life never ceases to be unpredictable and that's OK too. I'm learning to go with the flow, but also at the same time trying to make a plan. trying to get my brain in a better place. I've recently decided that I need to read all these books I've been buying over the years because normally I don't except for the odd fiction soon to be made into a movie type of fiction book.

I started by reading the book Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom it's been sitting on my shelf for years and I have no idea why I never took the time to read it. It's a really quick read a little over 200 pages or something like that, but it's also by the author of one of my all time favorite books "The Five people you meet in heaven." Tuesdays with Morrie is about a man Morrie Schwartz who is dying of ALS and his former student Mitch Albom whom reconnects with him after finding out about his illness. The book is very simple in it's lay out, but very deep in it's meaning. You learn about Morries philosophies on life and about the perspectives he's gained since his illness I really took a lot away from this book and I'd highly recommend it to anyone I thoroughly enjoyed it and may end up reading it again.

Next up I recently started the book "Yes Man" by Danny Wallace it's the book that inspired the movie of the same name that starred Jim Carrey although the movie is different from the book. I'm only about 74 pages into the book, but so far I'm finding it both inspiring and hilarious! I've been mostly reading it on my lunch break at work and I find myself stifling laughs trying to stay quiet as to not disturb the other cube farm workers. I don't know what the rest of the book will hold, but I can't wait to find out.

Then tonight I was sitting here trying to figure out a reasonable budget and then I had the idea that I was going to google how to make extra money because you know who doesn't want to make extra money well sometimes you actually need to make extra money. it's time to get real it's time to find out what else is out there I randomly stumbled upon through google this website I haven't explored the whole site, but the little bit that I've read I've really enjoyed and plan to explore this website further it's run by a woman who is living an alternative money making lifestyle. I'm not really sure how good all the information is, but I took it as a sign that I found the site tonight and one of her posts recommended some books to read I've taken mental note of the list and even downloaded two to my kindle which I will read.

I'm the biggest procrastinator around I'm trying to make a change and hopefully all this reading and googling will help me on my way. I've been trying to make use of my creative passions which include photography and the reason for this long post. Writing!! It's still a work in progress for me ,but I plan to explore writing more and I'm going to try and start doing it as much as possible whether it be random posts like this or possibly even fiction. I'm not sure anyone will ever read this (maybe my sister will stumble upon this! Hi Ruth lol) but anyway this is just for practice and this is just for me and for fun.

as the Title of blog implies life is in fact a journey and this is mine and going forward as much as possible I plan to make the most of it. Here I go kicking and screaming into the future ;)

(Oh I also started learning Portuguese again through Duolingo!)