Tuesday, May 31, 2011


So this last weekend of course was Memorial Day weekend so what did I do I went to see the Hangover II it was good basically it was a reboot of the first one that's pretty much what I was expecting so it was ok if you've seen the first one you know what happens in the 2nd one, but it was entertaining. that actually happened on Sunday. on Saturday I worked which was yuck, but not a big deal got to earn those pennies somehow. After work I went to the Albertville Outlet mall with my Mom and did a little shopping

Maybe I have a shopping problem lol.. Believe it or not though with all the sales they were having everything in that pile cost me less than $200 Amazing I know!, but I really did need to refresh my wardrobe I tend to wear the same things over and over again so it's good to change it up a bit with some new things... Well anyway I've blogged and I hope to do more of that soon as well right now it's after 10PM oh my! way past my bed time off to bed talk to you later Bloggers

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Past 5 years

I just realized today that I,ve had this blog now for over 5 years I went back and read some of my early post. It's crazy how much has changed and also how much has not changed. Maybe this blog can com back to life more in it's 6th year! We'll see!

Saturday, May 07, 2011

things that make you go Hmmm.

Ok title of the blog doesn't really make sense, but anyway. I've got a big birthday coming up this summer and I think that's made me reassess a lot of things in my life and the way I've been doing a lot of things in my life. Now a lot of the stuff I've always known it just maybe doesn't sink in as much and maybe it is now. I've always known that your job is not who you are it's just what you do for most people your job is your whole life or at least a major part of it. Well my job does not define me in anyway shape or form it's just the way I make a paycheck. I've always thought it terms of it being my income well I sometimes like to read financial books, inspirational books and law of attraction books not because I necessarily buy into everything they say, but they tend to get me inspired one thing recently I read says that your earning potential is unlimited and I thought about that at first it's like well yes it is limited because I can't control how much money I get in a raise!... well that's not what they are talking about it means that you don't have to rely on just one source for income again going back to that my job doesn't define me nor does it define my earning potential if I rely on that then honestly I'm not really going to be getting anywhere financially anytime soon. SO in this coming Decade gulp of my life I intend to focus on earning more money in multiple ways and learning to have my money work for me instead of the other way around I'm going to look for different things to do and make money... Wow not sure how this blog turned into a financial blog all of the sudden that's not what I intended when I started writing it lol.. anyway besides financially I intend to do a lot of things differently as far as taking care of my own health like getting into better shape. learning to not criticize myself, finding new activities and challenges and basically just taking more control in my own life doing things I enjoy and not just sitting on the sidelines and watching everyone else do everything!! It's my time and I intend to live it to the fullest. It's funny because in this time of me being so reflective it seems kind of like the "universe" has been sending me signals I keep stumbling on articles online about either making more money or getting in shape and maybe it's because I'm more open and looking for stuff like that (when I say stumble upon I don't mean I googled these topics anywho) one article was called "why you should quit your job now" lol it's was poignant ,but in case my employer sees this I am not quitting and please don't fire me ;) oh and also I got in the car one day last week and they were playing Bon Jovi's song "It's my life" not sure if that the right title of the song, but anyway I was like yeah Bon Jovi you are so right. Well bought time to warp this up thanks for listening my not so secret diary.

Friday, May 06, 2011

I Want...

So adorable I hope this helps them raise a lot of money and awareness!