Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 173

A new favorite pic of Madison

and here's a bonus pic it's actually a very momentous pic moments after this pic was taken Madison took about 3 big steps!! it was very exciting to see
Notice also that she's standing without help her other newest thing.

Day 172-Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Dad! (one date late)

Day 171

Lola in Jail

Day 170

Mom and Madison

Day 169

Dad and Madison

Day 168

so one day last week I went outside and it looked like there were spider webs everywhere obviously that's not what it was, but I don't think I'd ever seen this before so I had to get my camera.

Day 167

Here is the book I'm reading now It should take me 2 days to read this, but I haven't gotten into to much I read the twilight series and I liked them  ok I'm not a fanatic like some people, but they were ok, but since I've read them I thought I should read this one to so that's what I'm doing.

Day 166

For no particular reason here is the people magazine I was reading last week

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 165

Day 164- Crazy

went to see Adam Lambert in concert at Mystic Lake on Saturday saw this lady in front of us who had Adam Lamberts face tatooted on her back. can we say crazy?!?!?! I mean Adams great and all, but he just came from American Idol last year. not to mention he's gay and this lady was at minimum in her 50's anyway it was very weird.

Day 163- The wiener Mobile?

Well for some reason the wiener mobile was driving through my neighborhood  this was the best shot I could get as we were driving behind it.

Day 162

Day 161

Day 160

Day 159

Day 158

Day 157

Day 156

Day 155

Day 154

Day 153

Day 152

I'm way behind so I'm playing catch up now

Sunday, June 06, 2010