Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Well still not really a lot to say just living life going to work coming home from work.. guess I should be grateful I have a job and I am it's just no my dream job, but I guess who has that, but oh well such is life. I've been trying to plan a trip to California which was planned now some revisions are being made, but hopefully it will still be a good trip still waiting to win the lottery really hoping that's gonna happen sometime soon ;) I've also been reading a lot more I've gotten through 6 books since last November which for me is a lot normally it's one per year if I'm lucky lol, but my goal this year is to read every book on my shelf that I haven't already read and then I'm going to get an Amazon Kindle so looking forward to that. well I'm gonna wrap up the entry about nothing. until next time my readerless blog