Wednesday, March 21, 2007

New Car

Finally got my new car I have yet to get my check for my old car, but hopefully it comes soon. in the mean time I'm now a new owner of a 2006 Hyundai Sonata yay! It has a sun roof yay!!!

Isn't it pretty!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Surprise Surprise!!

We pulled it off we succeeded in surprising Mom for her 60th Birthday. hehe her brother and sister and brother-in-law flew in from out of town as well as My sister and her husband. She was totally surprised. after several weeks of planning and scheming we pulled it off yay! Paula and her friend Tameesha did a really nice dinner. Overall it was a really fun night.

Right when she walked in

when she spotted everyone

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Car Shopping

Car shopping is tricky I'm not sure what Kind of car I want everyone I talk to has a different opinion as to what's a good car. Get a Hyundai, get a Kia, get a Honda. well sure, but what kind I'm not sure what kind of car I want basically just one that has good gas mileage, power locks and windows etc.. etc.. well I guess it will be a long weekend of car shopping! it's not a fun as it should be kind of a pain in the butt.

Also want to Mention Today would have been Grandma Mert's 89th Birthday. Happy Birthday Grandma!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

Happy Birthday Mom!!! Love Ya

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Finally sometime last night between 11:30PM and 4AM they finally plowed us out of the driveway and we were able to leave finally today.


It felt good to finally escape the house for awhile we went to see the new movie Wild Hogs

Not Exactly an Oscar winner, but it was Cute. Pretty Funny a fun little escapist movie to go to on a lazy afternoon.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Snow Day!

Crazy Crazy Minnesota Weather!!!

What a day what a day first the accident and now this. Snow snow and more snow this is record breaking snow and it's not done yet it's just gonna keep coming and coming all night. I dont think I'll be going to work tommorow. the place might even be closed theres no way I'm getting out of the driveway as long as it looks like this.

Crazy Day I hope I don't get hassled for staying home tommorow or today I didn't really want to use my PTO today didn't really have a choice the icy weather had another plan. This is just craziness.

What a Beautiful Morning

SO I start out my day like normal I got up early because of the inpending snow fall I debated over whether or not I should go to work or not since the roads would most likely be bad., but I'm a good little worker so I decided to go to work and what happens as I'm crossing over the bridge on 55 into Minneapolis I hit a patch of ice and did a 360 spin and hit the wall twice and my car looks something like this now
Of course not exactly like that since that's not my car, but not far off luckily I didn't hit any other cars and I didn't get hurt so I guess that's all that matters, but man Car accidents suck!! Dad came to my rescue and called the tow truck and everything I called in to work since I obviously couldn't drive there I took a sick day. the weather here sucks today we are expecting up to 18inches of snow suck suck this is the worst snow storm we've had in years we'll see how it is tommorow morning I might call in then to . oh well I needed a new car anyway, but now I have to deal with all this crap ugh oh well.