Sunday, February 18, 2007

What's new?

Well not a lot is new just working and right now I'm watching the Amazing Race which by the way started a half hour late! silly thing cause of some golf thing that was on early oh well not a lot going on as I said I'm going to New york in April for a 5 days which should be fun I'm looking forward to it. Some other small projects in the work business and otherwise. I'm trying really hard to get out of debt and finally feel like I'm making some progress I think I'm going to look into some kind of debt consolidation loan which will hopefully save me a lot in interest hopefully I get approved. I'm trying to get out of debt so I can buy a town house Im hoping at the end of the year maybe a bit unrealistic, but I'm hopeful. I went to look at some townhouses this weekend not because I'm anywhere near ready at the moment, but more because It's just kind of fun to look and pretend and Imagine the possibilities.. I think the rest of this year is going to be good I just feel it. well I'm gonna go watch more amazing race. tah tah for now.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

back to basics

well not really back to basics, but life is settling down back to "Normal" or whatever that means came back from Ohio on Tuesday from a crazy/sad week in Ohio We got the Sad call on 1/24 that Grandpa had slipped into a coma and was fading fast that was around 3:45AM central time. after we got the call I just kind of laid in bed for a while until my alarm clock went off at 5:00AM and went and took a shower pretty much knowing I wouldn't be going to work that day, but just going through the motions I guess ultimately it was no decision to decide to go with Mom and Dad to Ohio I called into work for Wednesday and Thursday having already had Friday off. luckily they gave me 5 bereavement days which is sweet except I wish they had been for a different reason. anyway We started packing and getting ready to leave I had to run out to Walmart to get fish food (vacation fish food) and Dad brought Elvis (the cat) to the Vet to be boarded. While I was gone Mom got the call from Jack that Grandpa had passed Grandpa left this world at around 7:30AM Central time. with this very heavy and sad news we headed out to Ohio to attend the Funeral and attend to things. I drove up until Chicago and Dad drove the rest of the way 13 hours later we were in Ohio and exhausted especially Mom who had only come home for a few days and had just arrived home Monday from Ohio and was supposed to go back Thursday with Me. The days of the trip are kind of a blur Thursday we went to the funeral home and saw Grandpa I wasn't sure I wanted to see him like that, but i went behind the curtain and glanced at him and immediately left the room I couldn't do it I didn't want to see him like that. Thursday night Ruth and Jason Arrived in town and I guess stayed at a horrible hotel in down town Columbus the rest of the time they stayed at the Comfort Suites with everyone else. I can't even really remember what happened Friday more running around and then Friday Night Matt and Paula Flew in. Saturday Shopping for something to wear to the funeral. and Sunday was the viewing.

a lot of people attended which was nice to see a lot of people and companies that people worked for sent flowers.

and Sunday night we had a get together with many relatives and a few of Grandpa's Friends at the hotel.

Grandpa was Catholic so Monday there was a Mass at his Church which I guess a lot of people for a Monday Morning attended and there was nice lunch afterwards that the church prepared after the lunch everyone started heading back to thier homes all over the country. We left the next morning at about 6:00AM Eastern Time 4 of those lovely plants and all along with a bunch of other crap the car was stuffed (not to mention 2 little doggies). So anyway not to rant on to much more here it was a crazy week going back to work on Wednesday was ok I was so tired though and still kind of am. I'm so glad that, that week is over with Sad to say good bye to Grandpa, but glad things can settle down now hopefully for a long time. so Goodbye Grandpa I'll miss you and Love you forever. and Goodbye to Ohio I don't think I'll be back there any time soon after 25 plus years of regular visits.