Saturday, July 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Ruth

Happy Golden Birthday Ruth!!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Mobile Home

This is the view out my front door last night around 12:30AM they were moving a house down the road. it was something you dont' see every day so I snapped some photos and I filmed some of it with my video camera.

I saw them propping it up all day I figured that they'd be moving it late at night or the next day and I just happened to look out at 12:30AM and all the trucks were back and the house had an oversized load sign on it.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Not much is new

Well not really much new going on with me lately that's why I haven't updated. I'm still Job hunting I got a few rejection letters this week those are always exciting! um.. yeah School starts mid-August so not a lot going on that way. I'll be buying books soon for school so that's exciting. Not a lot new as I said. WeI have been scanning a lot of pictures lately because we just got a scanner for the first time. here's a picture of little Ooofie when she was little (AKA my sister)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Happy Birthday Lola

It's Lola's Birthday today she is 3! Happy Birthday Lola ;)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Crazy Weekend

Well this was kind of a crazy weekend Friday night Mom and I drove out to the Casino, but didn't stay long enough to loose much money it was a spur of the moment kinda thing to go out there the slots were so tight though so we left after only about an hour. Then on Saturday I went to see a movie and out to eat with my Friend Trisha in honor of my birthday she was the only one available to hang out that day. then on Sunday was the big day Yikes I'm 25! now I feel so old! I had the usual family party and My Grandparents and Matt and Paula came over along with Donna and I got Money from everyone which is good cause I can always use more of that ;). Monday morning I went and took Assesment tests at the Community college and got that done with and then today I went online and did the online Orientation since I've been to Technical school before I didn't feel the need to sit through a 2 hour Orientation at the school. and now I've registered for 4 classes starting August 21st luckily they are all Online classes except one so lucky me I'll have no problem working while I'm in school schedule wise anyway. so yeah it feels good to be registered and now I have someting to look forward to besides more unemployment which will hopefully be remedied soon to. well anyway that's what's new with me not a lot going on this week except Friday I'm going to the twins game so that should be fun. Not a lot else to say. Thanks Ruth for the shout out on your blog for my birthday!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Monday, July 03, 2006

Hill House

Went to the James J Hill House in St. Paul on Saturday with my parents it was my idea I just thought it would be fun I think they had fun.

it's a huge Mansion and it was worth almost $1 Million when it was built in 1891 I can only imagine what it'd be worth today.

This picture is only the middle of the house I had to take 3 seperate photos to get the whole house in.

There is a lot more to explore around here and I'm gonna do it including a walking tour of Summit Ave. sometimes it's fun to be a tourist where you live. cause if you never look at things from the tourist perspective think of all the stuff you miss out on seeing.